Unit 4 Day 1 FOCS – Introduction to Programming
Moving a Sprite Relative vs. Absolute postitioning Gliding
Make the sprite move Using relative positioning, make a sprite move from the middle, to each corner of the screen. Using absolute positioning, make a sprite move from the middle to each corner of the screen. Using ‘glide’ make the sprite move to each corner of the screen. For each, you should have the sprite re-initialize itself when the green flag is clicked.
Journal Entry: Unit #4Entry #6 What is the difference between absolute positioning, and relative positioning? What are three ways we can make sprites move?
Create a folder and Download files In the documents folder of your computer (or on your flash drive): Create a folder with your initials and period 4: JT_FOCS_p4 Go to the bpi website and download the two files posted for today: moving.sb, baseball.sb Complete the Moving Project Worksheet. Due Tomorrow 1/30 at the beginning of class.
Journal Entry: Unit #4Entry #7 What makes a script start? How many different ways can you start a script? What should be the first thing that happens when the green flag is clicked?
Alphabet Project
Journal Entry: Unit #4Entry #8 What does it mean to broadcast something? If a radio or television station broadcasts something, does that mean that everyone is listening?
Broadcast Project