Land of Erin: Ireland
What’s in a name? Eriu-original Celtic word Eire-Irish Ireland- English
Original Inhabitants Stone Age hunter gatherers that came over on a land bridge about 10,000 B.C.
Celts 500 B.C. Celt from Greek Keltoi
Obliterated existing culture, may have arrived over a few hundred years Pushed out when Romans took over formerly Celtic lands
Romans:Hibernia Didn’t invade Ireland but influenced heavily
Decline of Roman Empire As Rome declined the Irish raided and colonized Western Britain
Early Irish Culture Based on war 100 to 200 Kings ruling a kingdom known as a “Tuath”.
Constant petty battles with warriors held in high esteem
Each Tuath Blacksmith (weapons) Druid (prophesies) Poet (epic stories)
Most People Small farming units Wooden or wattle and daub houses Common land used to graze animals
Daily Life Grew corn, oats, barley, wheat and rye Used wooden ploughs with oxen With the exception of being the target of cattle raids, farmers were not involved in warfare
St. Patrick
Loss of Sovereignty 1169 Norman involvement 1500’s English Reformation with England establishing full control and English and Scottish Settlers given land
Potato Famine: /3 of people dependent solely on potato for food an Gorta Mór (the Great Hunger) A million people died and a million more immigrated
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Irish Soda Bread