Chapter Four Lesson 1 Pages
Build Back Ground In the 1400’s Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere -Aztecs advanced into Central America -Inca were building an empire in S. America -Africans were trading with Asia and Europe -Chinese sailors were exploring Africa’s East coast -Italian explorer was planning an important voyage
People of the Caribbean Arawak were peaceful, ate fish and shellfish, some hunted and gathered additional food largest Arawak group were the Taino Carib Indians- came from Venezuela, were warlike people who raided Taino villages and took captives for 300 yrs.
Helping Each Other Late 1400’s- the Taino lived in villages of people They had good a good climate for farming and were able to farm year round- Grew Cassava –a root crop that was their main food. Taino grew surplus (extra) crops and traded for protection (with less peaceful people) from the Caribs
The Taino Lives changed in 1492 when explorers from Spain arrived We know very little about the because the Spanish destroyed most of their culture Taino Language-Words given to English Language Canoe-Taino made canoes by hollowing out trees -used canoes to fish, trade and travel. -held 30 people Hammock- simple bed was woven from cotton/plant fibers -perfect bed for hot climate
Taino Ceremonies Religious ceremonies were important to the Taino who believed in many gods. Hurricane is a word that comes from the Taino Language-from the Taino god Hurakan Taino's asked gods for protection from sickness, war and hurricanes, and guidance and protection
Christopher Columbus Italian explorer who visited the Taino in His ships were the Nina, the Pinta,and the Santa Maria. The voyage took 2 months and left from Spain.
A new Route to the Indies The Indies- were the islands of Southeast Asia, source of gold, jewels, and spices. These trade goods could make traders rich. traders always traveled East to reach the Indies Columbus believed he could sail west around a round Earth to reach the Indies. it took Columbus years to get his voyage financed King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to pay for the voyage
Reaching the Americas -Columbus left Spain on August 3, weeks later there was no sign of land -the crew was unhappy, and afraid the would not survive -Columbus kept two Logs the correct one with the actual distance they traveled each day and a second log that showed shorter distances. -some thought this was to fool the sailors others thought this was to fool other explorers -Columbus thought he had reached Asia- he had reached the Bahama Islands
Amerigo Vespucci Realized that Columbus had not reached the Indies Europeans began calling the New World America
A Historic Meeting -Historians believe Columbus reached Watling island and called it San Salvador( Holy Servant) Columbus thought he was near Asia and called the Taino Indios- (Indians) Columbus was disappointed that the friendly Taino did not have riches
The Columbian Exchange Columbus sailed south from San Salvador to other Caribbean islands He returned to Spain after a few months with items new to Europe -Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand asked him to return to found a Colony Columbian Exchange- began when Columbus (Columbian) made exchanges (trade or swaps) with the people in the new world.
The Exchange Continues 1493 Columbus returned to the Caribbean with 17 ships carrying: colonists, horses, cattle, sheep, seeds, and cuttings to grow wheat, onions, sugar and other crops *diseases-measles and small pox * the wheel- used for transportation and iron- making technology-used for farming -the ships returned to Spain with turkeys, corn, potatoes, chili peppers, pumpkins, beans, peanuts, avocados, tobacco, and pineapples.
The Seeds of Change Columbian Exchange changed life 5 most important exchange items- from West-potatoes and maize from East-sugar, horses, diseases The food items found in the West helped increase the population of Europe, Asia and Africa -The horse helped the plains Indians who had hunted buffalo on foot before its arrival -Diseases and germs killed millions of native Americans
Summary Columbus discovered a new world for the Europeans- It was not new to the Native Americans who lived there. A New World was created by the joining of the two worlds East and West and the exchange of goods and ideas.
Log Colony Columbian Exchange
Log A record usually of a voyage or an experiment.
Colony A settlement far away from the country that rules it.
Columbian Exchange The movement of people, plants animals, and germs across the Atlantic Ocean following the voyages of Columbus.
Christopher Columbus King Ferdinand Queen Isabella Amerigo Vespucci
Christopher Columbus Italian sea captain and explorer. Sailing under the flag of Spain, Columbus reached the Americas in
King Ferdinand King of Spain who, with his wife, Isabella, paid for Columbus’s voyages to the Americas
Queen Isabella Queen of Spain who, with her husband, King Ferdinand, paid for Columbus’s voyages to the America’s.
Amerigo Vespucci an Italian explorer, navigator and cartographer. The continents of North and South America is believed to have been named after him. After his explorations in , he was one of the first explorers to come up with the idea that the places he had visited were not part of Asia (as Columbus thought) but rather were part of a "New World."
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Question 2 Why did Columbus look for a new route to Asia?
Question Number 2 Columbus hoped to reach Asia by water, which would make the trip cheaper and more profitable.
Question 3 Analyze how the meeting of the Taino and Columbus changed the world.
The world view of both the Taino and Columbus (Europeans) widened and many dramatic changes followed this first contact.
Question 4 How was the understanding of Geography changed by the voyage of Columbus? Geography- 1.The scientific study of the Earth's surface and its various climates, countries, peoples, and natural resources. 2.The physical characteristics, especially the surface features, of an area.
Question 4 Europeans understanding of geography was changed by the increased knowledge of the round Earth, lands to the West, and possible new ways to reach Asia.
Question 5 What was the effect of Columbus’s voyage to the Americas?
Question 5 The voyage of Columbus increased European interest in exploration and changed how Europeans saw the world. New crops, animals, and other items went both ways across the Atlantic.
Please understand these
Columbian Exchange Goods that were sent from West( Americas) to East (Europe, Africa, and Asia) Plants: Maize Potatoes Peanuts Avocados beans Tomatoes Squash Papayas Chili peppers Tobacco Animals: Turkeys Llamas Guinea pigs
Columbian Exchange Goods that were sent from the East (Europe, Africa, and Asia) to West( Americas) Plants: Rice Barley Oats Onions Cabbage Wheat Sugarcane Dandelions Daisies Clover Diseases Small pox Cholera Yellow fever Measles Typhoid Common cold Animals Horses cattle Pigs Chickens Goats Sheep
Effects of the Columbian Exchange on Europe POTATO The potato was widely grown in Europe, especially by the poor, because of it’s high yield in a small space. Also it was tasty and nutritious. CORN ( Maize) When this crop crossed the Atlantic, it improved the diet of millions in Asia, Africa and Europe
Effects of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas Positive effects Negative effects Horses brought to the Americas changed the lives of Native Americans of the Plains, who became skilled Riders. Europeans planted sugar in the Americas and brought millions of enslaved Africans to work on plantations Europeans brought diseases to which Native Americans had no resistance. Millions of Native Americans died.