CalACT 2016 Spring Conference March 29, 2016
Timeline SAFETEA-LUAugust, 2005 SANDAG Designated Recipient for JARC/NFAugust, 2006 SANDAG’s First PMPNovember, 2007 PMP UpdateJune, 2012 MAP-21July, 2012 Title VI CircularOctober, 2012 Super CircularDecember, 2013 SANDAG Designated Recipient for 5310April, 2014 SANDAG’s FTA Triennial AuditApril, 2015 PMP UpdateApril, 2015 Transit Asset Management NPRMSeptember, 2015 FAST ActDecember, 2015
SAFETEA-LU Summary New Freedom 44 Grants Awarded $4.8 million awarded 14 subrecipients, 2 direct recipients 9 non profits 3 jurisdictions 1 for-profit 1 school district JARC 46 Grants Awarded $10.6 million awarded 4 subrecipients, 3 direct recipients 4 non profits 7 Calls for Projects
MAP-21 Summary 1 Call for Projects 51 Grants Awarded 43 vehicles 1 other equipment 7 operating/mobility management $3.8 million awarded 8 total subrecipients 4 non profits 2 hospitals 1 jurisdiction 1 transit operator
Resources Senior Planner Intern Associate Planner Assistant Planner Office of General Counsel Contracts and Procurement Analyst
Performance Based Tools
Performance Based Adjustment/Monitoring Checklist Site visits conducted at least annually 4 sections Cost/Unit Quantity of Service Delivered Project Management Service Quality Used to adjust scores during competitive process based on past performance
SANDAG Policy 035 Timely Progress Project Milestone and Completion Deadline Extensions Execution of the Grant Agreement Resolution
Reporting “Watch lists” Service Delivery Schedule Reporting through September 30, 2014
Federal Compliance Tools
Contract Elements Underlying contract Scope of Work Subrecipient Resolution Subaward Identification Standard Federal Provisions (FTA) Federal Provisions for the 5310 Program Federal Forms Vehicle Lease Agreement
Federal Forms Application Submittal Eligibility Certificate for Federally Funded Contracts Noncollusion Affidavit Debarment and Suspension Certificate Subconsultant’s Statement of Eligibility Certifications of Restriction on Lobbying Contract Execution Certificate of Civil Rights Assurances Title VI Program Resolution Equal Employment Opportunity Certificate Buy America Certificate Annually Subrecipient Title VI Non-Discrimination Information Form
Title VI Compliance Guide Notice to the Public (Non-Discrimination Statement) Posting of Title VI Notice to the Public Complaint Form and Procedures Posting of Complaint Form and Procedures Record and Report Transit-Related Title VI Investigations, Complaints, and Lawsuits Public Participation Meaningful Access to LEP Persons Minority Representation of Planning and Advisory Bodies Resolution
Successful Grantee Workshop
Invoice Checklist
Monitoring Checklist Federal compliance Indirect cost rate Records retention Procurement Travel costs Single Audit/Program Audit Inventory of grant purchased equipment Lobbying activities Title VI ADA Updates based on last audit
Transit Asset Management TAM Plan Development SANDAG group TAM Plan NTD Reporting 5310 subrecipient do not currently report to NTD