Eighth Grade Science Online Implementation Planning Session NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS MARCH 2016
Session Outcome By the end of the session each school team will develop an implementation plan to prepare for successful eighth grade science online testing. Tasks ◦Analyze 8 th grade science survey data to determine concerns, and plan to address the concerns in the school-based implementation plan. ◦Identify support needs for 8 th grade science teachers. ◦Develop an implementation plan for online testing including log in assistance and day-of-testing technical support, usage schedule for laptops prior to the testing date, and a plan for charging devices. ◦Participate in NCTest Tutorial used for the planned simulation.
Introductions School-based teams Technology department Facilities/Maintenance department Testing department
Survey Analysis Work in your team to identify the most frequent concerns regarding online testing and be ready to share with the group. Identify support structures that you plan to implement for staff.
Response to Survey Data Technical Issues Charging Access Points Logging in Network performance- Slow loading, getting kicked offline, timing out, work not submitting, etc. Student Issues Distraction Familiarity Accommodations Training Issues NCTest released items currently available for teachers and students to practice the new platform Simulation/Tutorial NCTest App training today TC test training May 17 th including online test training Teacher training to be done by TCs Simulation for all teachers, students, classes with the NCTest app tutorial to be done by approximately May 6 th
In your packets NHCS Testing Website Support Documents Online assessment general information for laptops/desktops OR tablets with tutorial script Helpful information for test administrators CRT and teacher survey responses Eighth Grade Science EOG Online Testing FAQs NCTest App Tutorial Instructions Implementation Plan
Electrical/Charging Considerations Black laptop carts -Charge all 30 laptops simultaneously -Require a dedicated circuit to charge orange laptop carts -Charge 15 of the laptops for a certain length of time then switch to charge the other 15 laptops and repeats this process until charging is complete -Can charge these on a shared circuit These rooms are being used for charging: Holly Shelter- Media AV Room #140 Mosley- 208 Murray- 307, 315, 413, 407, 515, 503 Myrtle Grove- 618, 454, 214, 205, 223, Media Center Roland-Grise- 4 Trask- C27, Media Center Noble- Charts are charged in the rooms they are used in Williston- Carts in Each Classroom Virgo- Using Desktops Rooms need to be checked for electrical issues
Access point considerations Identify daily rooms to be used to administer the 8 th grade science online assessment. Discussion regarding access points
Headsets for Read-alouds We will need the numbers of read-aloud students for headset counts by April 20 th Please Jackie Swartout with the total number of 8 th grade science read-alouds, one headset per Adapters?
Implementation Plan Develop a plan for log in assistance and day-of-testing technical support. Develop a usage schedule for laptops prior to the testing date. Develop a plan for charging devices.
Developing an Implementation Plan: Due April 6
Training for Assessment Simulation using NCTest Tutorial The Testing and Accountability Department created a Simulation Tutorial Training for school TCs to use in a training session. ◦The tutorial training date for teachers must be identified by April 6 th and must be completed by April 13 th.
Accessing the online tutorial All student used devices should have the NC Test app already installed. Just click/tap the icon to open the app.
It may take a few minutes to load – once it does, click on the NCTest Tutorial tile
There is an option to watch the video and then complete the tutorial; however, our district will read the tutorial script. Choose test type, for Science 8 choose EOG Then choose test name and log in
Start Screen Then the screen below will appear and the student can begin the interactive portion of the tutorial
There are four sample items including examples of the different types of items that will be on the online EOG and the answers will be given.
After the four items there will be a summary page. Click the End Test button.
There will be a caution box and you should click the End Test button again.
After finishing the tutorial click the Exit button and the tutorial will be over.