DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE When were horses were first used? ~50,000 yrs ago What were they used for? Crow-Magnon hunters would: Herd horses over cliffs Butcher for meat, bone, and hide Skeletal remains ~100,000 horses found in France
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE When were horses were first domesticated? ~ 4,000 B.C. on the western Persian Desert Kept for meat and possibly milk For work needs, what proceeded the horse? Ass and Ox More docile and easier to domesticate When were horses first used for labor? ~2,000 B.C. in Mesopotamia
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE How were horses first controlled? Nose ring Due to effective control of ox and Onager by same method Popular chariot method of transportation Why did horse replaced the Ox and the Onager? Speed
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE Why did man began to ride the horse? Either for convenience or economy Nose rings were replaced by what? Snaffle Bit Who invented snaffle bit? Romans ~1500 B.C. First time reins were on each side of the neck Stirrups and saddles still unknown at this time
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE Who developed the Curb Bit? Romans When were the first recorded geldings? ~800 B.C. Wealth began to be attributed to # of horses owned Clothing item invented in this time due to horses? Trousers
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE ~700 B.C. chariotry declined Riding skills improved Mounted patrols increased Horsemanship was developed and studied ~ B.C. Ancient rodeos were performed Steer throwing had been recorded
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE As early as 55 B.C. Horses taken into foreign countries by Roman military Arabs began to study horsemanship ~570 A.D. Before this, they depended on? Camels Why did they stop using camels? Devastated in war
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE By 1500’s what had happened to horses? Types and breeds were developed due to Specialized needs Region and Climate By discovery of America Many breeds developed throughout the world Who first brought horses west? Columbus 500 years ago Haiti
DOMESTICATION & EARLY USE Breeding stations set up in Caribbean to produce more horses for exploration Who first brought horses to Mexico? Cortez Thousands more to come in conquest of Mexico Who first brought horses into the interior of America? Desoto