Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Lancaster County Final Public Meeting April 26, 2013
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Project Overview Draft Plan Review – Planning Process – Risk Assessment – Capability Assessment – Mitigation Strategy – Plan Maintenance Next Steps Question and Comment Session
Project Overview Hazard mitigation is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to life and property resulting from natural and human-made hazards. What Is Hazard Mitigation?
Project Overview
A Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan is a community-driven, living document that communities use to reduce their vulnerability to hazards. What Is a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan?
Project Overview Communities must have a plan to apply for and receive mitigation grants. These grants can augment local mitigation activities already being done. Ultimately, these actions reduce vulnerability, and communities are able to recover more quickly from disasters. Why Have a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan?
Project Overview Primary Objectives Assess Current Conditions, Risks, and Capabilities that Exist Within the County Establish a strategy to reduce the effects of hazards on the County Generate and Deliver County Hazard Mitigation Plan with FEMA “approval pending community adoption”
Project Overview Hazard Mitigation Planning Process Engage Community and Write the Plan Receive “approved pending adoption” Formally Adopt Plan Implement plan and execute projects Begin 5 year update process Planning Phase (1-2 years) Implementation Phase (5 years) Update Phase (1-2 years) Formally Adopt Plan Implement plan and execute projects Begin 5 year update process Planning Phase (1-2 years) Implementation Phase (5 years) Update Phase (1-2 years)
Project Overview Six-Step Planning Process 1.Organize resources and convene a Steering Committee 2.Conduct a risk assessment. 3.Assess capabilities. 4.Create a mitigation strategy. 5.Determine the plan’s maintenance process. 6.Obtain Mitigation Plan approval and adoption.
Hazard Mitigation Plan Components Community Profile Planning Process Risk Assessment Capability Assessment Mitigation Strategy Plan Maintenance Plan Adoption
Hazard Mitigation Plan Components Community Profile Risk Assessment Capability Assessment Mitigation Strategy Planning Process Plan Maintenance Plan Adoption What does the community look like? What hazards do we face? What does everyone bring to the table? How do we reduce our vulnerability to disasters? Break the cycle of disaster
Community Profile Geography and Environment Community Facts Population and Demographics Land Use and Development Hazard Mitigation Plan Components
Planning Process Plan Development and Participation The Planning Team Public and Other Stakeholder Participation Meetings Incorporating Existing Planning Mechanisms Hazard Mitigation Plan Components
Risk Assessment Location and Extent Range of Magnitude Past Occurrence Future Occurrence Vulnerability Hazard Mitigation Plan Components
HAZARD RISK HAZARD NATURAL (N) OR MAN-MADE (M) RISK ASSESSMENT CATEGORY RISK FACTOR PROBABILITYIMPACT SPATIAL EXTENT WARNING TIME DURATION HIGH Flood Radon Tornado, Windstorm MODERATE Transportation Accidents Environmental Hazards (Hazmat) Drought Winter Storm LOW Subsidence Wildfire Nuclear Incident Earthquake Dam Failure
Hazard Mitigation Plan Components Capability Assessment – Planning and regulatory capability – Administrative and technical capability – Fiscal capability – Political capability
Hazard Mitigation Plan Components Mitigation Strategy The approach you take to reduce or avoid long-term vulnerabilities to the identified hazards – Goals – Objectives – Actions and projects
Hazard Mitigation Plan Components G OAL 1: Mitigate the potential for injury/death and damage from natural and human-made hazards in Lancaster County (Prevention) G OAL 2: Protect the citizens of Lancaster County as well as public and private property from the impacts of natural and human-caused hazards (Property Protection) G OAL 3: Improve emergency services and capabilities in Lancaster County to protect citizens from natural and human-caused hazards (Emergency Services Measures) G OAL 4: Maintain and/or implement flood control measures in Lancaster County (Structural Projects) G OAL 5: Mitigate effects of disasters and preserve the natural resources in Lancaster County (Natural Resource Protection) G OAL 6: Increase public education and awareness of existing and potential hazards in Lancaster County (Public Education/Awareness Programs)
Hazard Mitigation Plan Components Plan Maintenance The plan will be updated every 5 years or following a disaster event. Between updates, the plan will be monitored and evaluated. – Annual reviews – Grant submissions – Should a significant disaster occur, the Steering Committee will reconvene within 30 days to review and update the plan.
Next Steps Make final revisions to HMP draft Submit the draft HMP to PEMA and FEMA for review Receive “Approved Pending Community Adoption” Formally adopt the HMP Start the 5 year implementation cycle
Project Website Lancaster County Hazard Mitigation Plan Project Web Site:
Question and Comments Robert Ross Delta Development Group, Inc. Phil Colvin Lancaster County EMA