Introduction Includes all the countries in the Western Hemisphere except the U.S. and Canada 3 sub regions: Mexico and Central America, the Caribbean Islands, and South America
Physical Features Volcanoes, rainforests, deserts and mountains 2 mountain ranges in Mexico- Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental Volcanic islands make up some of the Caribbean islands Andes Mountains are on the western edge of South America Other physical features in South America include: The Amazon River, Lake Titicaca, The Atacama Desert and Angel Falls
Climate Lots of different climates Countries near the equator stay hot all year round (tropical) In the mountains (highlands)- the higher you go (elevation), the colder it is Caribbean Islands are hot and wet. They also experience hurricanes
Vegetation Incredible variety of plants Most widespread is the broadleaf evergreen forest Cactus plants live where it is dry Tropical grasslands are in the Caribbean Islands Amazon Rainforest has the largest vegetation zone
Human Geography of Latin America Home to 33 countries and 570 million people Brazil is the largest country and has the most people Most people speak either Spanish or Portuguese- based on the language of Latin
History Maya civilizations lived in Mexico and Central America Aztecs lived in Mexico Incas lived in South America Columbus landed in the Caribbean. This brought many Europeans Europeans brought Africans over to work as slaves Christianity was brought over, as well Dictators ruled many countries Now, most countries elect their leaders
Population Population is growing fast ¾ of the people live in urban areas (cities) Most large cities are located near water Most Latin Americans are Christian-Catholics are most common
Economic Activity Lots of natural resources-silver, gold, copper, uranium 9% of the world’s petroleum (oil) Rivers provide hydroelectric power Farming is important-coffee is an important export Forestry is also important- building materials and fuel Tourism brings in lots of money (Caribbean Islands)