Easy Come, Easy Go True in Poker, Not True in the High Stakes World of Hiring & Firing Malcolm Johnson: Principal, The Entertainment Technology Source Stacy Hering Astor: Insurance and Benefits Consultant, Stacy Hering Astor and Associates Jeffrey W. Rose, Esq.: Attorney at Law
Do You Need a New Employee? Consider your existing staff: Re-evaluate to maximize resources If hiring is the best option: Review your business plan Establish a budget Job description: Clarity first
Don’t Gamble With One of Your Most Valuable Assets Attract the Best Hiring is a process, not an event You’re Competing for People Retain the Best Enhance Quality of Life Nurture Careers Make Great Games!
Let the Games Begin: The Search Consider hiring from within! Communicate the position internally Existing staff may be very interested Encourage staff feedback Say No if employee is not a fit Reinforce current contributions Discuss other growth options
The Search Continues Maximize your Odds Use company website Employee network In-house recruiting team
The Search Continues Need Help? Get a Recruiter! Set the standard high The recruiter should be able to Understand the position, company & culture Communicate easily & effectively Matches people with positions, not resumes What’s the right approach for your position? Contingency placement Retained search
Build a Hiring Team Create the Team Prepare them for the task Use the same group for all candidates Train your team The Position: Clarity & Understanding Interview Preparation Don’t forget to promote your company
Evaluating Potential Candidates Establish a clear hiring process Review candidate credentials Telephone Screening Onsite interview & testing Creating the right package Offer, Negotiation, & Acceptance Transition Acclimate
The Offer OOffer Letter LLetter of Intent EEmployment Contracts
Raising the Stakes: Build a Great Benefits Package It all counts! Compensation Market rate compensation Paid vacation/sick time (or PTO) Merit bonuses
Raising the Stakes: Competition Gets Fiercer! Insurance Options Dual option medical insurance Dental/Vision plan Group disability insurance Individual (3x salary) or group term life
Raising the Stakes: Be Professionals! Retirement Plan: You can’t afford not to! 401(k) plan: inexpensive & dynamic
Raising the Stakes: Build a Benefits Package They Can’t Ignore! Payroll deductions/ tax deferred options Section 125 Plan Premium Only Plan Commuter Check
Playing for Keeps: Employment Contracts Protecting Your Assets Invention Assignment Agreements Confidentiality Agreements and Procedures “At Will” Employment Freelance/Subcontractors Work for Hire Agreements Confidentiality
Playing for Keeps: Employment Contracts Non-Disclosure Agreements for other third parties PProtecting your own assets PProtecting those granted to publishers
Rules of the Game: Personnel Handbook Defining Company Policy Avoiding Confusion Establishing procedure for handling disputes
Hitting the Jackpot: Retaining Employees Effective hiring: Have a high bar Be goal oriented Nurture their careers Quality of life
Smooth Exit Strategy Have your departments organized & ready Early in A.M., short & sweet meetings Meet with unaffected employees to dispel fears of additional firing Encourage open communications. Watch morale Work with other studios to assist affected employees *Word spreads quickly
How Can We Help? Malcolm Johnson T: Stacy Hering Astor T: Jeffrey Rose, Esq. T: