Briefing on The Education and Inspections Bill 2006 Lifelong Learning & Leisure Scrutiny Committee 4 April 2006 Kim Bromley-Derry Executive Director Children & Young People
Scope of the Bill 10 Parts 167 Clauses 18 Schedules Gives effect to –White Paper, Higher Standards, Better Schools for All –White Paper, Education and Skills –Green Paper, Youth Matters 2 nd reading 15 March
Part 1: Education Functions of Local Authorities The Local Authority has a new duty to: Promote high standards ‘promoting the fulfilment of every child of their educational potential’ Exercise powers to secure diversity in the provision of schools and increase parental choice Consider parental representations about the Local Authority’s functions Promote the well being of year olds (up to 25 for disability) Make arrangements to identify children not receiving suitable Education Appoint accredited School Improvement Partners
Part 2: Establishment, discontinuance or alteration of schools Extension of requirement for a competition for new schools to cover primary/special Schools can obtain foundation (Trust) status Local Authorities make decisions on school organisations No new community schools –Clauses 7 and 9 allow the Local Authority to propose a new community/community special “with the Secretary of State’s agreement” Persons other than the Local Authority can make proposals for a new school New schools may be established as federated schools
Part 3: Provisions for Maintained Schools Schools must establish parent councils Local Authorities cannot exceed 20% of voting rights in ‘Trusts’ Simplification of capital expenditure provisions for Voluntary Aided schools Amendments to control of disposals or changes or use of school playing fields Governing Bodies must discharge functions with regard to the Children and Young People’s Plan No admissions based on ability
Part 3: Provisions for Maintained Schools (continued) Strengthening of School Admissions Code of Practice Local Authority duty to provide advice/assistance to parents when exercising choice Strengthening Admission Forum No parental interviews for admissions Pupil banding arrangement being expanded across full ability range Local Authority duty to maintain a scheme for financing schools
Part 4: Schools Causing Concern Additional powers of intervention (“coasting schools”)(special measures) –Contractual arrangement –Appoint additional Governors –Replace Governing Body –Suspend right to delegated budget –School closure
Part 5: Curriculum and Entitlement Reforms the curriculum and qualifications framework Introduction of Specialised Diplomas (14) Obligation that full entitlement is available through collaboration, eg Learning & Skills Council, Local Authority, Schools, Further Education Core entitlement for all year olds. Local Authorities must secure this entitlement
Part 6: School Travel and School Food Duty of Local Authority to promote sustainable modes of travel Local Authorities must provide free home-school travel for eligible children to any of the nearest three schools where these lie between two and six miles from home (includes sixth form) Non eligible children can be charged for transport Must make provision for transport for certain Adult Learners Specific requirement in respect of food and drink available in schools (will come into force immediately), eg drinking water must be made available free of charge
Part 7: Discipline, Behaviour and Exclusion New requirements of school policies concerning behaviour New statutory right to discipline Lawful to detain children, confiscate property and use reasonable force School must provide suitable full time education when child subject to fixed term exclusion Local Authority must provide suitable full time education when child subject to permanent exclusion (from sixth day) Parent legally responsible for children for first 5 days of permanent exclusion not to be in public place. On the spot fines can be imposed
Part 8: Inspections New single inspection Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector, Commission for Social Care Inspection, Children And Family Court Advisory Service, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Court Administration, Adult Learning Inspectorate)
Part 9: Miscellaneous Extension of Learning & Skills Council to support learners under 16 Power for schools and Further Education colleges to collaborate Part 10: General