Mini-Beast Report
Location classificlassification What does it do how does it move description how do bees help us what does it eat our responsibilities what are bees like if you see a bee what should do leave it alone step on it
Classification Hexapoda A Hexapoda is a group of insects,instead of a family its called a Hexapoda
Description of insects antennae wings abdomen eyes mouth All insects have the same body parts and are classified as Hexapoda. They all have 6 legs. An insect has a hard outer skeleton, the skeleton covers and protects an insects body like a suit of armor. All insects have six legs, a thorax, an abdomen, antennae and eyes. Some insects also have wings. Even if they don’t all look like each other, they are still made the same way.
location of insects Insects can be found all over the world they live in very hot places like the desert. Many insects walk or fly near flowers because they have jobs to do in helping plants grow.Some insects cane fly into your home and can be found in your house. Keep your eyes open for insects all over the world!
What does it eat There are hundreds of different insects in the world and each has its own diet. Many insects eat fruit,flowers and leaves. Some insect like spiders eat other insects. Other insects like mosquitos suck blood form animals. As you can see insects eat many different kinds of food
What does it do All insects have different jobs. Bees fly to one plant to one plant to pick up the pollen and make the pollen into honey for the baby bees before the baby bees hatch. The ants chop up grass then feed the grass to the fungus so they can grow. When the fungus is grown all the way the ants eat the fungus.The mom japanese red beetle will try to get as much food for her baby beetles before the baby beetles run to another beetles home.The insects have hard jobs!
How does it move The insects move by six legs or wings
How Do Bees Help Us Bees make honey which we us in a very large percent of our sweet food products,such as ice cream,cake and other items. Honey is a large industry. Bees help by pollinating flowers, which helps the flowers reproduce to grow more flowers they also provide humans with honey.
Our Responsibilities If you see a bee do not kill it because they help us allot. Try to not bother a bee because if they sting you there stingers can fall of and they will die and some times a hole bunch of bees come and sting you.
What Bees Are Like
if you see a bee what should you do? what should you do when you come upon a bee should you step on it or leave it alone step on it leave it alone
Step On It there will be less honey for you to eat there will be less plants fro you to breath
Leave It Alone you get more honey and you have more plants.