1 Text Features
Text Features Reading Packet p9: 2 Objective: Student will be able to demonstrate understanding of the authors’ use of text features (titles, headings, captions, maps, charts, tables, graphs, pull-down menus, etc.)
Text Features are: 3 Basically, anything in a reading selection, that does not include the actual “text” of the reading. Today you will learn a graphic organizer technique that will help you to understand reading selections given to you. Testing Strategy: Use this technique in OTHER classes too.
Types of Text Features: (Fill in on your notes) 4 1. Titles 2. Headings 3. Captions 4. Maps 5. Charts 6. Tables 7. Graphs 8. Pull-Down menus (electronic) 9. Timelines 10. Pictures 11. Bold words 12. Italics 13. Bullets 14. Glossary 15. Index 16. Underlined words 17. Text Boxes
Fill in the blanks on your Ice Cream Cone: 5 Text Features I See and Previewed: Key Words From the Text: (bold, glossary words, italics, underlined) What I Know From Previewing the text:
Somewhere in your notes, please add: 6 Test/Assessment questions often come from information in the text features of a selection. Text features are a part of all reading selections. The graphic organizer will help me to understand and find meaning of the text being read. I can use this technique in OTHER classes too!
Reading Strategy: 7 Going forward, on all nonfiction text articles, you will need to create an ice cream cone graphic organizer to look at your text features PRIOR to reading the selection.
Put it to practice. 8 Take out a piece of lined paper. Title it as “Las Posadas” Create the Text Features graphic organizer (make it large so you have room to fill it in.)