Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Objectives Identify what attracted farmers to the Great Plains. Describe how people adapted to life on the Plains. Summarize the results of the Oklahoma Land Rush. Explain how economic issues led farmers to organize to seek reform.
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Terms and People homesteader – settler who acquired free land from the government sod – a surface layer of earth in which the roots of grasses tangle with soil sodbuster – Plains farmer sooner – person who sneaked onto land early during the Oklahoma Land Rush
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Terms and People (continued) grange – group of farmers who met for lectures, sewing bees, and other events farm cooperative – group of farmers who pool their money to make large purchases of tools, seed, and other supplies at a discount inflation – general rise in prices
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West John Deere – made a sod busting plow made of steel Joseph Glidden – invented barbed wire Mary Elizabeth Lease – Kansas activist who worked for farmers rights William Jennings Bryan – Known as the “Great Commoner” he was the Democratic and Populists for the 1896 election. He wanted a silver standard. William McKinley – Republican candidate in the 1896 election who supported the gold standard. He won the election and became the 25 th president of the US
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West How did farmers on the Plains struggle to make a living? Miners, rail workers, ranchers, and cowhands were not the only people inspired to move west. By 1900, half a million farmers had settled on the Great Plains. The crops they grew fed the growing nation. They were attracted by the offer of free land
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West In 1862, Congress passed a law to give more people the chance to own farms in the West. Homestead Act Gave 160 acres to anyone who lived on the land for five years Conditions on the Plains were so harsh, however, that few homesteaders stayed five years (1 in 3 stayed).
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West The railroads were more successful at luring farmers west. More people meant more business. More farms meant more shipping. So the railroads gave some of their land away to settlers willing to move west.
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West People from around the country and around the world rushed west to claim free land. Free land Easterners African American Exodusters – many former slaves Europeans – Ireland, Scandinavia & Germany
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Life on the prairie was difficult. Water was scarce, and crops were difficult to grow. The first farmers settled near water sources. Later settlers went west – drier.
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West With no wood, families built houses from bricks made of sod. Cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Men, women, and children all had jobs to do to help the farm—and the family—survive. Women kept house, planted, harvested, educated children, nursed the sick, sewed clothing, preserved food, made basics – soap candles) om/watch?v=fdsCjtky6 ZQ
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Spanish speaking farmers and sheepherders were in the Southwest and had been there since before the Mexican War. Railroads brought more immigrants.
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West New tools and farming methods eventually made life easier. steel plow – stronger and lighter weight invented by John Deere cut through tough sod (wooden ones broke) drill planted seeds reaper harvested crops thresher removed grain coverings windmill pumped water from the ground
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Among the new inventions was barbed wire invented by Joseph Glidden, which was used for fences so cattle and other animals would not trample the crops. cattle crops
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West By the 1880s, little free land was left. In 1889, the government allowed settlers to claim one last open area—what once was Indian Territory—in the Oklahoma Land Rush. Oklahoma sooners boomers sooners “Boomers” lined up to claim free homesteads near Oklahoma City, but “sooners” who jumped the gun claimed most of the best land.
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West By 1890, there was no land left for homesteading and, after gradually moving west, the frontier finally closed. frontier
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West With hard work, many Plains farmers began producing bountiful harvests. Crop surpluses, however, drove prices down.
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Small farmers were hit hard by the drop in prices. Deep in debt, many lost their land. To protest their hardships, farmers joined together in granges – first social and farm cooperatives to demand reforms. Farmers National Grange Farmers’ Alliance
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West In 1892, farmers joined with labor unions to form the Populist Party. Populist Reforms public ownership of railroads and warehouses income taxes to replace sales taxes eight-hour workday use of silver to back the money supply
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West Populists believed that adding silver to the nation’s money standard would trigger inflation. Rising prices, they hoped, would benefit farmers by bringing more money for crops. crop prices
Chapter 17 Section 4 Farming in the West In 1896, the Populists supported William Jennings Bryan for President – known as the “Great Commoner.” The Republicans backed William McKinley (gold – alone) Though he won many western states, Bryan lost the election. m/topics/william- jennings- bryan/videos Populist support soon faded.