The staff reading survey showed that 41 % of teachers have a 4 or 5 out of 5 understanding of reciprocal teaching strategies. (22 responses) 30 % of teachers were looking for more help or more information on any one of the 4 strategies.
Used in student directed groups of 4 to “jointly understand a piece of text” (Fisher & Frey 10) The text is broken into smaller chunks for use in discussion groups. Predicting, Questioning, Clarifying, Summarizing (in any order!)
Questioning Asking literal and thinking questions of the text
Predicting What will be discussed next, based on prior knowledge
Clarifying Understanding through discussion of how a confusing point or word might be cleared up
Summarizing Main ideas of the passage
Method 1 (Recommended for Geo/AC) Read together. Group together and make group work clear. Divide text into sections. Each section: What’s that about? (Question) What don’t you understand? (Clarify) What is our summary main idea? (Summarize) What’s going to happen next here? (Predict) Read and RT for next section.
Method 2 (Recommended for Math) Share or review process. Divide students into groups. In groups have students analyze problems. Predict: What’s the answer? Question: What are the steps? Summary: What is the correct answer? Clarify: How do you know this answer is right?
Method 3: (Recommended for English) Divide text. Divide students. Create RT worksheet. Predict. Read. Stop. Question. Read. Stop. Clarify. Read. Finish. Clarify, Question, Summarize. Discuss.
English 7 and 8 What have we worked on so far? Where do we need to go? PredictionWonder Questions Clarify PictureClarify Vocabulary Quiz QuestionsThinking Questions Summary
How we did this last year… How people wanted this to look this year… How we will do things this year… Predicting by Nov.Question by Apr. Summarize by Feb.Clarify by June
Scaffolding (Nov.) Think alouds (Feb.) Metacognition (Apr.) Cooperative Learning (June) See handout with this title.
Previewing you text. See handout: Textbook Features. Student Directed Questions are key.
6 most common text structures are listed on page 37. This is for all areas! This will also be on the MCAIII Reading (2013). These are embedded into the new standards.
Only sharing and discussing these 2. K.I.S.S Predicting Non-fiction handout. THIEVES handouts.
We do this everyday… As teachers… As students…
Introduce this specific RT component (choose your tool). Model the strategy by talking out how you would do it. Provide support and guide practice. Provide Independent practice. Wrap up the idea as a whole class.
Using the text given to you at the table, choose one of the predicting tools you have and go through the process together. This may seem silly but hands on experience always makes you more comfortable with a new or different idea.