Vocabulary Chapter 1 GR. 8 MS. GIBBONS
Adage (N) A proverb, wise saying Syn: maxim, aphorism Have you ever heard the old adage that the early bird catches the worm?
Bonanza (N) A rich mass of ore in a mine; something very valuable, profitable, or rewarding; a source of wealth or prosperity; a very large amount; sudden profit or gain Syn: windfall An unexpected increase in tourism could create a bonanza for shop owners.
Churlish (adj) Lacking politeness or good manners; lacking sensitivity; difficult to work with or deal with; rude Syn: surly, ill-tempered Ant: courteous, civil, well-mannered The students who continued to call out in class showed their truly churlish behavior.
Citadel (N) A fortress that overlooks and protects a city; any strong or commanding place Syn: fort, stronghold, bulwark, bastion Even though the enemy’s army was invading, the princess felt safe in the guarded citadel.
Collaborate (v) To work with, work together Syn: team up, join forces Ant: work alone I love Ms. Gibbons’s class, because she uses group projects that allow me to collaborate with my peers.
Decree (n) (V) (N) An order having the force of law; (V) to issue such an order; to command firmly or forcefully Syn: proclamation, edict; proclaim The emperor decreed that all subjects must eat waffles for breakfast or go to jail.
Discordant (Adj) Disagreeable in sound, jarring; lacking in harmony. Syn: grating, shrill, different, divergent, conflicting Ant: harmonious, in agreement When the beginning band played its first notes, the sound can only be described as discordant.
Evolve (V) To develop gradually; to rise to a higher level. Syn: unfold, emerge Ant: wither, atrophy The artist hoped her beginning sketches would evolve into a masterpiece that could hang in a museum.
Excerpt (N) A passage taken from a book, article, etc.; to take such a passage; to quote. Syn: portion, section, extract In my essay, I excerpted a quote from the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
Grope (V) To feel about hesitantly with the hands; to search blindly and uncertainly. Syn: fumble for, cast about for When we lost power during the storm, I was forced to grope in the dark to try and find a flashlight.
Unit 1, Part 2
Hover (V) To float or hang suspended over; to move back and forth uncertainly over or around Syn: linger, waver, seesaw Ant: soar The bees hovered over the plate of juicy cantaloupe.
Jostle (V) To make or force one’s way by pushing or elbowing; to bump, brush against; to compete for Syn: push The annoyed man jostled his way through the crowd so that he could have a seat on the bus.
Laggard (N) (ADJ) A person who moves slowly or falls behind; falling behind; slow to move, act, or respond Syn: slowpoke, straggler, sluggish Ant: early bird, swift, speedy, prompt When walking to art, I have to encourage the laggards at the back of the line to keep up with the rest of our class.
Plaudits (n.) Applause; enthusiastic praise or approval Syn: cheers, acclaim Ant: boos, disapproval, ridicule The famous singer accepted the endless plaudits of her fans, and then treated them to an encore performance.
Preclude (V) Make impossible, prevent, shut out Syn: hinder, check, stop Ant: help, promote, facilitate The tree in the road precluded the car from getting to the house.
Revert (V) To return, go back Syn: relapse, regress Ant: progress, advance Despite the fact that she did not eat chocolate for a year and a half, after the wedding Ms. Gibbons reverted back to her chocolate-loving ways.
Rubble (n) Broken stone or bricks; ruins Syn: wreckage After the earthquake, many volunteers went to help sort through the rubble.
Servile (Adj) Of or relating to a slave; behaving like or suitable for a slave or a servant, menial; lacking spirit or independence, abjectly submissive Syn: slavish, groveling Ant: masterly, overbearing The servile job position forced the woman to act as a servant for her master.
Vigil (n) A watch, especially at night; any period of watchful attention The guards kept vigil during the night, watching carefully for the threat of attack.
Wrangle (V) (N) To quarrel or argue in a noisy, angry way; to obtain by argument; to herd; a noisy quarrel Syn: squabble, bicker Ant: agree, concur Yelling and screaming, the brother and sister always wrangle over the dumbest things.