Day for Change 7 th February 2013
What is a Day for Change? Created by UNICEF more than 20 years ago. Learning about children around the world.
We can identify what rights children are given and what rights have been denied. UNICEF has this special day to raise money for children around the world. The money will improve children’s health care and education.
How can we make a change? Raise money for other children. Learn about other children around the world – UNICEF focus on one right each year. Learn our rights and respect others. Suggest ideas so children can have their rights.
Focus on Food
Right to Food School Lunches Primary 1, 2 and 3 are given fruit Teach pupils about having a healthy diet Cooking/baking lessons
Right to Food Bingo Taste test
Five - a - Day
‘You are what you eat’
Balanced Diet
Article 24 You have the right to good quality health care and to clean water, nutritious food and a clean environment so that you can stay healthy. Rich countries should help poorer countries achieve this.
Why doesn’t children have food they need? People are poor and don’t have money War Droughts Price of food going up
UNICEF Provide children and their families with grain
Run clinics to care for children who suffer from illness caused by malnutrition. Help families understand how to provide their children with a healthy, balanced diet.
Milton Making a Change Collecting Tins Quiz