Irrigation water requirements for seed corn and coffee under potential climate change scenarios by Ali Fares, Ripendra Awal, Samira Fares, Alton B. Johnson, and Hector Valenzuela J Water Climate Change Volume 7(1):39-51 March 28, 2016 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
ETo for different scenarios of temperature increase and CO2 emission. Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Gross irrigation water requirement for different scenarios of temperature increase and CO2 emission. Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Effect of changes in temperature on gross IRR and ET (CO2 = 330 ppm and ΔP = 0). Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Monthly variation of gross IRRs and ET for different CO2 emission scenarios (coffee). Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Change in average monthly gross IRRs relative to the reference scenario (coffee). Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Runoff for different scenarios of temperature increase and CO2 emission. Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Interception for different scenarios of temperature increase and CO2 emission. Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing
Drainage for different scenarios of temperature increase and CO2 emission. Ali Fares et al. J Water Climate Change 2016;7:39-51 ©2016 by IWA Publishing