Belonging to One World Wide Family Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Helping young people build a better future.
Belonging to One World Wide Family Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Local Associations North America Alliance African Alliance European Alliance Latin American Alliance World Alliance Asia and Pacific Alliance National Movement Transforming Lives in Mind, Body and Spirit.
Ken Holmes – Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family To explore and celebrate what it means to belong to One World Wide Family Objectives: - 1.To identify and celebrate the benefits of living in One World. 2.To explore the challenge presented by that experience. 3.To consciously identify ways in which to create a better world for all. 4.To create contacts with others in the YMCA family around the world and share issues and experiences. Learning experiences: News stories from around the world, from different points of view. Discussed what people can do to make the world a better place. Discuss issues and problems for which no one has the answers. Resources: DFID Global School Partnerships ASDAN Citizenship in Action College for international Citizenship Oxfam Education for Global Citizenship I.O.W Making Global Citizens
Belonging to One World Wide Family Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire To explore the impact of The Food Chain and Fair Trade Objectives: - 1.To recognise the injustices of a world of plenty where food is in abundance to some whilst famine and shortage exist for others. 2.To explore the solutions for sufficiency of food and of clean water to all humanity. 3.To understand the globalisation of the Food Chain and the consequences of this. 4.To consider the role of Fair Trading and environmental / ecological consequences.
Belonging to One World Wide Family Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire To explore our attitudes and responses to the health needs of all peoples. Objectives: - 1.Explore the ideals for creating a healthy world. 2.What barriers exist to fulfilling healthy life styles for all peoples. 3.What should our response be to the HIV / Aids pandemic, water and air pollution carrying diseases, life style impacts. 4.Examine how we should resource health improvements.
Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family To explore the impact of globalisation on the environment and consider the sustainability of our world. Objectives: - 1.To consider the impact of world population growth and it’s impact on resources. 2.To consider issues around climate change. 3.To share in a vision for maintaining a sustainable environment. 4.To consider the risks associated with disregard for the ozone layer, loss of rainforests, over fishing and depletion of oil reserves.
Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family Explore ways of providing Peaceful Co-Existence and Co-operation in conflict resolution Objectives: - 1.Examine aspects of conflict, war and violence and discuss ways of establishing peace. 2.Consider issues which give rise to conflict at an interpersonal, community, national or international level. 3.Examine conflict resolution techniques, mediation, arbitration. 4.Consider the impact of the proliferation of arms trade. 5.Consider links between religion, culture, ethnicity, gender and conflicts. 6.Consider the impact of peaceful advocacy within the world family and how the role of the YMCA can positively contribute to a better world.
Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family Explore the mutuality of interest to Build Better Lives, Better Communities and a Better World. Objectives:- 1.Explore how the YMCA World Movement can embrace it’s spiritual core values to transform lives and build a better sustainable humanity. 2.Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the YMCA as a ground breaking world movement for Peace and Justice and how to tackle the creation of a new order. 3.Consider what pledges are appropriate to the award of a YMCA Global Citizenship Certificate and Badge of Pride.
Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family Accessibility and validation The programme needs to be accessible to all young people around the world. The level of learning needs to be appropriate, not specifically by age but by context and ability. It is suggested that there be three levels of learning experience; LevelAbilityTime - Hours Level 1Beginners30 Level 2Intermediate60 Level 3Advanced120 Certificates to be awarded at each level. A YMCA Good Global Citizenship (Badge of Pride) to be awarded on completion of the Advanced Level.
Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family Workshop topics Review the models: Consider if there are any areas of omission which should be added. Are there any objectives requiring revision? Within the world family of YMCA’s will this Programme be suited? If not how do we modify it to suit? Do we pilot a curriculum in a number of receptive and willing countries before the next World Council gathering in 2010? Do we run this Programme only as YMCA or do we seek another world partner? What possible organisations might we approach? Do we take our Programme proposal to the UNICEF for funding of the curriculum or have we the internal resources to go it alone?
Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Ken Holmes - Chairperson Coventry and Warwickshire Belonging to One World Wide Family