What Can Noni Juice Do for Your Body? A direct ramification of improving lifestyles and the leaps and bounds by which science and medicine have scaled the technological heights, is increased life expectancy. With more and more people among us living to become octogenarians, organized care for the elderly has become important.
Promotes Healthy Cholesterol ( cle/ what-can-noni- juice-do-for-your-body/) Source : Because smoking cigarettes is a lifestyle factor that promotes inflammation and high cholesterol, researchers examined whether noni juice helps combat this issue in smokers by lowering cholesterol. This particular double- blind study involved 132 heavy smokers. For the research study, they drank noni juice daily for 30 days. The study found that drinking 9.9 milliliters to 188 milliliters, or 1 to 6 ounces daily, significantly reduced cholesterol and triglycerides. The results were published in the October 2012 issue of "Science World Journal."
Eating healthy and nutritious food Balance and variety in food is important for the elderly as it is for anyone else. Eating healthy leads to an active mind and body, which further prevents falls, and helps maintain a healthy body weight. Do follow a doctors and dieticians advice when it comes to following specific diets. Eat regularly, drink plenty of fluids, foods rich in starch and fibre, foods rich in iron, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, and Vitamin D. Reduce salt intake as well as that of fatty and sugary food. Avoid sudden weight loss or weight gain and immediately consult a doctor if you are concerned about your health. ( y-lifestyle.htm) Source :
Fitness and Exercise Exercise is not all about losing weight, it one of the most powerful ways to beat stress. While managing weight and heart health, getting plenty of exercise helps your body cope with the build up of everyday stress. Staying active comes from regular physical exercise that lowers risks of health problems, helps one remain independent for longer, and makes for better sleep at night. In case you suffer from heart trouble, high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, arthritis or other bone and joint problems, are very overweight or underweight, do check with your doctor for an exercise regimen you are to follow and some particular exercises you are better off without. ( y-lifestyle.htm) Source :
Avoid Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine It’s never too late to quit smoking and to begin living a healthier, smoke-free life. Tobacco and caffeine are stimulants that keep you awake. So for restful sleep avoid caffeine in the evenings. The same goes for alcohol, which if consumed in large amounts at night is bound to make for disturbed sleep. ( y-lifestyle.htm) Source :
Falls and Bone Health ( -care-for-elderly.htm) Source : Falling in old age is life- threatening. It not only affects mobility and fitness, it leads to loss of independence. Hence, physical fitness is important, as it improves muscle tone, helps maintain balance, and recuperate sooner even if the fall occurs. Good fitness levels help avoid and minimize injuries. To prevent falls, you need to maintain flexibility, agility, mobility and independence. It is also important for the elderly to develop a sense of well-being, inner peace and happiness.
What Doctors say about Noni Juice ( doctors-are-saying-on-noni- juice.htm) Source : People from all walks of life and from around the world... have already discovered the incredible health benefits taking Tahitian Noni® Juice. "The Morinda Citrifolia that grows in French Polynesia is about 20% higher in nutrients than is Noni fruit from any other part of the world. Tahitian Noni® Juice is the only one I use in my practice and the only one I endorse." --- Scott Gerson, M.D "Noni helps improve the entire spectrum of your health, not just a single problem. Noni helps your body generate life orce... and revives your body's natural ability to heal itself." --- Dr. Sam Kolodney
( challenge.htm) Source : We would like to challenge you to drink the organic Tahitian Noni® Juice for 90-days and personally experience the amazing difference it can make in your health and well-being. Original Tahitian Noni® Juice brings you the benefit of scientific discovery, leading-edge quality assurance technology, and 2,000 years of history. Original Tahitian Noni
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