Suffixes – Pathologic Conditions -algia pain -dynia pain -emesis vomiting
-algia pain/ache Cephalgia headache Cephal/o head Arthralgia joint pain Arthr/o joint Otalgia earache Ot/o ear
-dynia pain Gastrodynia stomach pain Gastr/o stomach Mastodynia breast pain Mast/o breast
-emesis vomiting Hematemesis vomiting of blood Hemat/o blood
Suffixes – Pathologic Conditions -lysis destruction; separation; breakdown -malacia softening -megaly enlargement
-malacia softening Cerebr/o- brain Cerebromalacia- softening of brain
-malacia softening Oste/o bone Osteomalacia softening of bone
-megaly enlargement Acr/o- extremities Acromegaly- enlargement of extremities
-itis inflammation Spondyl/o - vertebra Spondylitis- inflamed vertebra
Gastritis Mastitis
Pathologic Conditions -oma tumor; mass -osis abnormal condition -pathy disease process
-oma tumor/mass My/o muscle Myoma tumor of muscle
-osis abnormal condition Spondyl/o – vertebra Spondylosis- abnormal condition of vertebra
-pathy disease process Neur/o nerve Neuropathy disease of the nerve
Pathologic Conditions -penia decrease; deficiency -phobia irrational fear -ptosis downward displacement; drooping; prolapse; sagging
-penia decrease in number Oste/o – bone Osteopenia- decrease in bone density
Pathologic Conditions -ptysis spitting -rrhage; -rrhagia bursting forth -rrhea flow; discharge
-ptysis spitting Hem/o blood Hemoptysis spitting of blood
-rrhage;rrhagia bursting forth Hem/o blood Hemorrhage bursting forth of blood; bleeding
-rrhea discharge;flow Ot/o ear Otorrhea discharge from the ear Rhin/o nose Rhinorrhea discharge from the nose
Pathologic Conditions -rrhexis rupture -sclerosis hardening -spasm sudden, involuntary contraction -stenosis narrowing; stricture -y process
-sclerosis hardening Arteri/o artery Arteriosclerosis hardening of the
-stenosis narrowing Arteri/o artery Arteriostenosis narrowing of artery
SUFFIXES FOR SURGICAL PROCEDURES -ectomy excision;surgical removal -stomy new opening -tomy process of cutting
-ectomy excision Lamina- roof of vertebral arch Laminectomy- excision of lamina
-stomy new opening Trache/o-trachea Tracheostomy-new opening into the trachea
-tomy- process of cutting;incision Ten/o=tendon Tenotomy-process of cutting a tendon
Suffixes – Adjectival(describe relationships) -genic produced by; producing -oid resembling -ole; -ule small -ac; -al; -ary; pertaining to -eal; -ic; -ous
-genic produced by; producing Carcin/o=cancer Carcinogenic-produces cancer
-oid resembling Oste/o-bone Osteoid-resembling bone
-ole;-ule small Bronchi/o=bronchus Bronchiole=small bronchus Arteri/o=artery Arteriole=small artery Ven/o=vein Venule=small vein
-ac; -al; -ary; pertaining to -eal; -ic; -ous Cardi/o=heart Cardiac=pertaining to the heart Vertebr/o = vertebra Vertebral = pertaining to vertebra
-ac; -al; -ary; pertaining to -eal; -ic; -ous Neur/o – nerve Neural- pertaining to nerve Axill/o – axilla Axillary – pertaining to axilla
Review of suffixes -algia -dynia -emesis -itis -lysis -malacia
Review of suffixes -megaly -oma -osis -pathy -penia -ptysis
Review of suffixes -rrhage -rrhea -sclerosis -stenosis -ectomy -stomy