Medical Students as Ambassadors for Obesity Education: Vehicle Assisted Nutrition José E. Rodríguez MD Angélica M. Soberón, MS2
Lecture Objectives Identify the usefulness of mobile health units in the community for obesity education. Identify the usefulness of mobile health units in the community for obesity education. Define medical student educational learning objectives for community oriented primary care involving mobile health units. Define medical student educational learning objectives for community oriented primary care involving mobile health units. Identify cultural barriers to obesity treatment obtained by this method. Identify cultural barriers to obesity treatment obtained by this method.
Project Purpose Learn more about our community’s attitudes toward obesity. Learn more about our community’s attitudes toward obesity. Educate and offer services to our community about obesity. Educate and offer services to our community about obesity. Equip students with skills necessary to counsel patients on lifestyle modification. Equip students with skills necessary to counsel patients on lifestyle modification.
Obesity at Our Regional Campuses Obesity by County and Race/Ethnicity (2002) Percentage Florida Health Statistics.
VAN Project Goals Emphasize lifestyle modification. Emphasize lifestyle modification. Approach communities with a higher prevalence of obesity. Approach communities with a higher prevalence of obesity. Expose students to lifestyle modification counseling and obesity treatments. Expose students to lifestyle modification counseling and obesity treatments. Encourage students to learn more about the community and how to serve them. Encourage students to learn more about the community and how to serve them.
Methods Mobile health unit, Vehicle Assisted Nutrition, staffed by a physician and medical students went to heavily transited areas in our community. Mobile health unit, Vehicle Assisted Nutrition, staffed by a physician and medical students went to heavily transited areas in our community. Our team administered a short survey and calculated participant’s BMI. Our team administered a short survey and calculated participant’s BMI. Distributed patient education materials. Distributed patient education materials. Students counseled participants on lifestyle modification. Students counseled participants on lifestyle modification. Encouraged participation in healthy living class. Encouraged participation in healthy living class. Students taught obesity class. Students taught obesity class.
Survey Questions The survey consisted of five questions including: The survey consisted of five questions including: –Is your weight a problem for you? –Do you exercise regularly? –Would you like our help? Are you… Are you… Underweight Normal Weight Overweight Obese Are you willing to do anything about it? Are you willing to do anything about it? Modify your eating habits? Modify amount of exercise? Take medication?
BMI Categories Underweight- BMI under 18.5 Underweight- BMI under 18.5 Normal Weight- BMI= Normal Weight- BMI= Overweight- BMI of Overweight- BMI of Obese 1- BMI= Obese 1- BMI= Obese 2- BMI= Obese 2- BMI= Obese 3- BMI= 40 and above Obese 3- BMI= 40 and above MCTIGUE K, LARSON JC, VALOSKI A, et al Mortality and cardiac and vascular outcomes in extremely obese women JAMA 296 (1): JUL Mortality and cardiac and vascular outcomes in extremely obese women
Our Participants Percentage
Is your weight a problem? Average BMI was 28.4 Average BMI was 28.4 “Yes” Responses: “Yes” Responses: –32% overweight –58.2% obese class 1 “No” responses “No” responses –25% obese 2 –20% of the obese 3
Are you….. Overweight? Overweight? –59% Obese 3 Normal weight? Normal weight? –63% overweight –18% of obese 1, 2, or 3 –18% of obese 1, 2, or 3
Results Modify Eating Habits? Percentage
Modify Amount of Exercise? Percentage
Take Medication? Percentage
Lifestyle habits Lifestyle modification: Lifestyle modification: – 69% willing to change their diet – 69% to change amount of exercise – 38% would take medication. Regular exercise Regular exercise –Exercise more than 3 times per week –60% of overweight –49% of obese 1 –47% of normal weight
Gadsden County Health Fair
Conclusions One of the biggest barriers to weight loss in our community is the lack of awareness of healthy weight range and regular exercise. One of the biggest barriers to weight loss in our community is the lack of awareness of healthy weight range and regular exercise. Many participants identified themselves in a category that was lower than the one determined by their BMI. Many participants identified themselves in a category that was lower than the one determined by their BMI. Most overweight and obese said that they were willing to do something about their weight. Most overweight and obese said that they were willing to do something about their weight. Many overweight patients are pre-contemplative and not ready for change.
Conclusions Students… Students… –Learned more about patient education and counseling. –Had opportunities to interact directly with community. –Gained knowledge about their community and obesity issues. VAN demonstrated that the community members’ are excited to learn about nutrition and exercise from providers. VAN demonstrated that the community members’ are excited to learn about nutrition and exercise from providers.
Questions? José E Rodríguez MD 1115 West Call Street Suite 3210M Tallahassee, FL Angélica M Soberón MS West Call Street Tallahassee, FL