What Can Sedation Dentistry Do For You?
Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, uses medications formulated to induce a deep sense of relaxation or sedation among patients. Keep in mind that you may not be completely unconscious during the procedure - just mildly to moderately sedated and, hence, sleepy.
Keep in mind, too, that advanced sedation dentistry is a specialised branch of dentistry so dentists must undergo additional training before offering the service to their patients. advanced sedation dentistry Keep in mind, too, that advanced sedation dentistry is a specialised branch of dentistry so dentists must undergo additional training before offering the service to their patients. advanced sedation dentistry
Overcoming Your Fears Seeking the professional services of the best sedation dentist in town is an excellent course of action when your fears prevent regular dental appointments.best sedation dentist
You may have a fear of needles (i.e., trypanophobia) so much so that even the sight of a single needle turns your knees into jelly, much more the thought of your gums being pierced with it.
You may have a fear of instruments being placed inside your mouth, or a fear of smells in clinics, or a fear of men in white. Whatever your fear that prevents your ability to make and meet dental appointments, sedation dentistry can help in so many ways.
Overcoming your fears of being in the dentist's chair becomes easier with sedation dentistry for many reasons. You will be more relaxed, even sedated, during the entire procedure so much so that your anxiety will not get the better of you, so to speak.
You will have less anxiety about seeing the needle and being injected with it as well as having your teeth cleaned, extracted, and aligned, among other services provided in sedation dentistry.
Expanding Your Choices With sedation dentistry, your choices in dental procedures will increase - you are now more willing to undergo procedures that you otherwise will not consent to if not for the persuasive tactics of your sedation dentist.
For example, you are now more open to the idea of undergoing tooth extraction because of the great idea of being under sedation while your sedation dentist carries out the procedure.
Think of it: Instead of spending several frustrating hours convincing, dragging, and pinning down on the dentist's chair an unwilling patient with special needs, the sedation dentist can administer the sedative and, within minutes, the patient will be relaxed and ready for the procedure.
Of course, sedation dentistry is not suitable for all individuals because of the risks involved. You must discuss your suitability for it with a qualified sedation dentist just to be on the safe side; if you are not qualified for the procedure, you can discuss your other options.
In sedation dentistry itself, you have many choices in the level of sedation for each procedure, namely: Minimal sedation wherein you are awake (i.e., fully conscious of your surroundings) but relaxed General anaesthesia wherein you are completely unconscious
Moderate sedation wherein you can still speak albeit in a slurring manner but you will not remember the procedure itself, probably the most popular in sedation dentistry Deep sedation wherein you are on the edge of wakeful consciousness but you can still be awakened
Indeed, sedation dentistry is an option that should be considered even by relatively healthy individuals in managing their dental health.
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