Assessment for Learning in Kindergarten Developing Student Portfolios
What is a student portfolio? A portfolio provides an overview of a child’s growth and learning in key areas of development during the kindergarten year. A portfolio is usually compiled near the end of the kindergarten year. A portfolio can be used for a variety of purposes, and in different ways.
What are some purposes of a student portfolio? A portfolio can be developed with children to acknowledge and record their growth. A portfolio can be used to inform parents and other educators about the child’s strengths, learning highlights, and developmental profile near the end of the kindergarten year. A portfolio can focus discussion among parents, educators and support staff about how best to support a child’s learning.
What could a student portfolio include? A portfolio may contain: One or more assessment continua, completed at several points in the year to show growth over time; Photos, work samples or other evidence illustrating the child’s activities and accomplishments; A profile sheet summarizing the child’s strengths, highlights of growth during the year, factors to consider in planning for the future, and specific suggestions for supporting the child’s learning.
Who decides on the contents of a student portfolio? Teachers usually decide on what will be useful and realistic for themselves, their students, families and/or colleagues. Portfolios may be developed by the teacher and students together. An individual child’s portfolio may focus on one or two priority areas, rather than covering all aspects of a child’s development.
Building portfolios over time Teachers have many opportunities to observe children’s development in the context of every day learning.
Building portfolios over time Teachers often observe and record while children play, experience and interact.
Building portfolios over time The assessment continua are used to focus observations. A teacher may observe only one or two aspects at a time, or watch a few children at a time.
Building portfolios over time Gradually, the teacher gathers a record of development for each child by highlighting on the same continuum at several points in the year.
Building portfolios over time The teacher and children may also gather examples of learning to include in the portfolio.
Building portfolios over time When the portfolio is compiled, the teacher may include a profile sheet summarizing important points about the child’s learning and growth.