Raising Resilient Children BY Irena Logue
Definition of Resilience “Resilience is the capacity to deal successfully with the obstacles in the road that confront us while maintaining a straight and true path toward life’s goals.” Robert Brooks, PhD and Sam Goldstein, PhD
Who should learn resilience? All children should learn resilience. Resiliency training should not just be focused on those who have experienced hardships and struggles.
Characteristics of Resilient Children Feel special and appreciated Able to set realistic goals and expectations for themselves Ability to solve problems and make decisions Show empathy and are able to relate with others Seek assistance appropriately Aware of their weakness but also know their strengths View mistakes as challenges to handle rather than as stressors to avoid Able to know what they have control of and what is out of their control and choose to focus on what they can control
Ways to Foster Resiliency Teach empathy by being a model of empathy. Teach responsibility. Teach decision making and problem solving. Offer encouragement and positive feedback Help Children Deal with Mistakes