Addysg ar gyfer Datblygu Cynaliadwy a Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang ADCDF Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship ESDGC 22/02/2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Addysg ar gyfer Datblygu Cynaliadwy a Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang ADCDF Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship ESDGC 22/02/2012

Beth yw ADCDF? What is ESDGC? Beth yw ADCDF? What is ESDGC? Materion mawr y byd Eu perthynas a’u gilydd ac â ni Y ffordd rydyn ni’n trin y ddaear Y ffordd rydyn ni’n trin ein gilydd Y pethau rydyn ni’n gwneud bob dydd Y ffordd rydyn ni’n paratoi at y dydfodol MAE GAN BAWB OHONOM RAN I’W CHWARAE! the big issues in the world the big issues in the world how they relate to each other how they relate to each other and to us and to us how we treat the earth how we treat the earth how we treat each other how we treat each other the things we do every day the things we do every day how we prepare for the future EVERY ONE OF US HAS A PART TO PLAY!

Beth yw ADCDF? What is ESDGC ? The links between society, economy and environment and between our own lives and those of people throughout the world The needs and rights of both present and future generations The relationships between power, resources and human rights The local and global implications of everything we do and the actions that individuals and organisations can take in response to local and global issues

ADCDF ESDGC Cyd-ddealltwriaeth ar gyfer Ysgolion A Common Understanding for Schools Diffyniadau Meysydd Cyffredin Datblygu Sgiliau Enghreifftiau ac Astudiaethau Achos Offer Hunanwerthuso Definitions Common Areas Skills development Examples and Case studies Self Evaluation Tools

Beth yw ADCDF? What is ESDGC? GwybodaethSgiliauGwerthoeddProfiadauPartneriaethau Y modd rydym yn addysgu Y modd mae’r ysgol yn cael ei rhedeg Ethos ysgol gyfan Ethos ysgol gyfanKnowledgeSkillsValuesExperiencesPartnerships The way in which we teach The way in which the school is run A whole school ethos A whole school ethos

Nid yw ADCDF ESDGC is not Yn bwnc ar wahân Yn gyfres o dopigau Yn cael ei gyfyngu i’r ystafell ddosbarth Yn gyfrifoldeb un athro yn unig yn yr ysgol Yn ymwneud â throsglwyddo set o atebion i ddysgwyr A A separate subject A series of topics to the classroom Confined to the classroom The responsibility of just one teacher in the school About transmitting a set of answers to learners.

7 o themâu sy’n cysylltu â’i gilydd 7 interconnected themes Cyfoeth a thlodi Wealth and poverty Hunaniaeth a diwylliant Identity and culture Yr Amgylchedd naturiol The Natural Environment Iechyd Health Newid Hinsawdd Climate Change Defnyddio a gwastraff Consumption and waste Dewisiadau a phenderfyniadau Choices and decisions

Ble canfyddir ADCDF? Where does ESDGC sit ? O fewn polisïau a chanllawiau AAS ac Estyn O fewn pynciau unigol O fewn y fframwaith ABCh Llwybrau dysgu Y Fagloriaeth Cymraeg Yn ddealledig o fewn ethos llawer o ysgolion O fewn llawer o gynlluniau gwobrau a chynlluniau eraill within policies and guidance from DFES and Estyn within individual subjects orders in PSE framework Learning pathways Welsh Baccalaureate implicitly within ethos of many schools within many award schemes and initiatives

The 5 Common Areas of ESDGC Commitment & leadership. Learning and teaching School management Partnership & community Research & monitoring

Estyn Do the curriculum and extra-curricular activities help pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and values of ESDGC? Does the school acts sustainably, for example in using energy, minimising waste and recycling? Does the school contribute to global citizenship, for example through developing an understanding of the wider world?

Estyn I ba raddau mae gweithgareddau’r cwricwlwm a’r gweithgareddau allgyrsiol yn cynorthwyo disgyblion i ddatblygu gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth, medrau a gwerthoedd ADCDF? mae’r ysgol yn gweithredu’n gynaliadwy, er enghraifft, wrth ddefnyddio ynni, lleihau gwastraff ac ailgylchu? mae’r ysgol yn cyfrannu at ddinasyddiaeth fyd-eang, er enghraifft, drwy ddatblygu dealltwriaeth o’r byd ehangach?

Estyn Y Fframwaith Arolygu Darpariaeth: profiadau dysgu Darpariaeth: profiadau dysgu addysg ar gyfer datblygiad cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth cynaliadwy a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang fyd-eang Ond hefyd………….. The Inspection Framework Provision: learning experiences education for sustainable development and global citizenship But also…………………..

Estyn  Lles cyfranogi mewn dysgu a’i fwynhau cyfranogi mewn dysgu a’i fwynhau ymglymiad cymunedol ymglymiad cymunedol a gwneud penderfyniadau a gwneud penderfyniadau  Amgylchedd dysgu ethos, cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth ethos, cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth  Arweinyddiaeth cyfeiriad strategol ac effaith arweinyddiaeth cyfeiriad strategol ac effaith arweinyddiaeth  Gwella ansawdd cymryd rhan mewn rhwydweithiau arfer broffesiynol cymryd rhan mewn rhwydweithiau arfer broffesiynol Wellbeing participation and enjoyment participation and enjoyment in learning in learning community involvement and community involvement and decision - making decision - making Learning environment ethos, equality and diversity ethos, equality and diversity Leadership strategic direction and impact of leadership strategic direction and impact of leadership Improving standards participating in networks of professional practice participating in networks of professional practice

The challenges for schools Commitment and Leadership identify ESDGC leaders identify ESDGC leaders clarify vision and develop ethos clarify vision and develop ethos develop and implement ESDGC policy develop and implement ESDGC policy regular training regular training Learning and Teaching embed ESDGC give learners opportunities to develop own global awareness ensure all ESDGC themes given equal weighting understand importance of concept of interdependence

ESDGC :The Challenges for schools School Management consider ESDGC issues when purchasing consider ESDGC issues when purchasing involve learners in decisions taken by the school involve learners in decisions taken by the school support healthy lifestyles and promote biodiversity support healthy lifestyles and promote biodiversity Partnership and Community work with outside agencies/programmes promoting ESDGC work with outside agencies/programmes promoting ESDGC establish effective networks/ partnerships with local community and with schools in other areas/countries

ESDGC : The Challenges for schools Research and Monitoring audit and evaluate involvement in ESDGC throughout school and across curriculum audit and evaluate involvement in ESDGC throughout school and across curriculum share good practice in ESDGC and respond to change as and when it occurs share good practice in ESDGC and respond to change as and when it occurs