Planning Session 2012 (17-18 th January, Sunyani) Total of 53 participants Gender Total of 53 participants 9 females (6 farmers, 1 NARS, 2 MoFA) 44 males NARS (8), MoFA (23), NGO (2), Media (1), Universities (3), Reg- Admin. (1), Farmers and agro-processors (16).
Review progress made by research and extension in addressing challenges raised at the 2010 planning session Review extension and research activities for 2011 Review, analyse and prioritize emerging constraints Discuss strategic approach to the identified constraints and Develop plan of action.
Yam fertilizer Response on some BenchMark soils in the interior Savanna zone of Ghana – Dr F. M. Tetteh (CSIR-SRI). Development of Solar Air Cooled Barn for Yam Storage – Mr Fred Dzokoto (CSIR-IIR). Participatory Technology Development in Managing“Browning of Onion Leaves Disease” in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana – Dr. C. Kwoseh (KNUST).
Strategies to Manage Yam Glut at Peak Harvest in the Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana – Mr A.N. Wiredu (CSIR-SARI). Not Presented Participatory Varietal Development of high Yielding and disease resistant Cowpea in the Brong Ahafo Region – Mr S. Addy (CSIR-CRI).
1. Mechanical Cassava Harvesting In Ghana – Dr. Bobobie (KNUST) 2. Improvement of seed quality of chili pepper varieties in Ghana: Example for links between Research & Extension - Regional Coordinator BAR Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP)
2010 Constraints to be Intervened Issues Livestock Poor housing and management of droppings Poor breeding stock Pests and diseases in swine Roots and tubers Inadequate improved cassava planting materials Yam diseases and pests Effects of herbicides on cocoyam production Cereals, legumes and plantain Low patronage of local rice and bird attack Sigatoka disease in plantain and lodging Storage facilities for cereals Flower abortion in cowpea.
2010 issues cont’d Tree crops, fruits and vegetables Fruit flies on mangoes Pests and diseases on cashew Poor storage of garden eggs Fruit drop in tomato and pepper Fruit rot, leaf curl and white fly in peeper Nematode infection in vegetables Weed control in pineapple Short shelf life of water melon Diseases and pests (Nematodes) in pineapple
2012 Constraints Pioritization -Three group discussions Forest zone: Sunyani Muni./West, Asutifi, Dormaa Muni/East, Asunafo North/South, Tano North/South Savannah Zone: Atebubu, Kintampo North and South, Pru, Sene Transition zone: Wenchi, Nkoranza South etc Forest Zone facilitation - Mr. Ansah Group discussion - Savanna Zone
ConstraintsExpected results 1. Cereals & Legumes Inadequate early maturing and unavailability drought tolerant varieties. Stem borers in maize. Aflatoxin problems in legumes. 2. Fruits and vegetables High post-harvest losses (tomato, garden egg, watermelon). Fruit drop /fruit rot in pepper and tomato. Nematodes and Blight in tomato. Easy access to early maturing and drought resistant varieties at affordable prices. Sensitization on effect of aflatoxin on health. Availability of fruits & vegetables varieties with longer shelf life, low incidence of fruit drop/rot. Farmers and AESs knowledge and skills enhanced for easy identification, minimize incidence and spread. Skills and Knowledge of Farmers on prevention and control of Nematodes and Blight in tomato enhanced.
ConstraintsExpected results Under utilized irrigation facility at New Longro due to high incidence of tomato diseases. Inadequate information on soil suitability for production 3. Roots and tubers Post harvest losses Soil fertility decline Inadequate processing or value addition (yam, cocoyam) Lack of appropriate herbicide for cocoyam production Identification of various varieties Research on suitability of site for tomato production Provision of soil maps Appropriate harvesting technologies and techniques Simple ways of assessing fertility of soils Provision of approved pesticide list Improve knowledge of AEAs and farmers on attributes
ConstraintsExpected results 4. Tree crops Fruit flies in mango, cashew on markets and marketing of produce Inadequate mechanization services 5. Others Major disease identification and control Appropriate pest management and improved/resistant varieties Operator and mechanic training for efficient operation and management Capacity building of farmers and AEAs
No presentations on challenges/constraints on livestock, poultry, fisheries or agroforestry, agro processing. No representation (NARS or Universities) from the poultry, livestock or fisheries sectors. Some previous challenges being addressed by research and extension seemed not to address the core issues raised by the stakeholders.
Gender challenges (technology generation, dissemination, adoption, land tenure, service delivery, etc) did not come up. The 2 day allocation was not adequate, hence participants had to leave late. Finance and mobilization of RELC : There is no financial support for the Regional and Assistant RELC Cordinators to implement required activities.
Way forward Provide adequate funds for RELC activities Provide autonomy to RELC Co-ordinators to implement the Planning sections Resource RELC Co-ordinators to be resourced to play assigned roles Monitoring and periodic evaluation of interventions to previous challenges to ensure issues are adequately addressed for effective adoption at the farmer level. Incorporate gender mainstreaming in activities through sensitization and education for all stakeholders (Ref: FASDEP II, GADS etc).
Thank you for your attention Transition zone problem ranking