Innovation and cooperation in Dutch VET colleges MBO Raad Netherlands Association of VET Colleges
Content Policy context: top sectors and National Technical Pact Regional cooperation in the triple helix: Centres of Vocational Innovation (CVI) For Example: CVI Biomass
The Dutch system of education and training Post graduate vocational education primary education secondary educationvmbo havo vwo higher vocational education (hbo) university vocational education (mbo) 20 age (re)integration and adult education (LLL)
Characteristics of Dutch VET system National level: qualification structure, quality framework Autonomy for regional VET schools: –Curriculum –Work based learning –Performance contract –Agreements with local partners Lumpsum budget (€3 bln) + allocated funding (€400 mln mln)
How to train for future needs?
Top sectors policy Strengthening international competetiveness through excellence Triple helix: public private partnerships between education, research and industry Sectoral focus, regional level Centres of vocational innovation and Centres of expertise 9 sectors: Chemistry,Life sciences & Health, Energy, Agri & Food, Creative Industries, Horticulture and raw materials, Water, Hightech systems, Logistics
Human capital agenda Highly qualified labour force Improve the match between education and industry Increase attractiveness of the sector for (new) employees, especially in STEM jobs
Aims and ambition Inflow and retention of students and employees Attractive learning pathways Professionalisation of teachers Excellence in study and career – at all levels
Centres of vocational innovation (1) Public private partnerships:VET, industry and sometimes innovation / authorities Sectoral focus, regional cooperation Objectives: provide education and training programmes leading to highly qualified staff that meets skills demand of regional industry Leverage: train-the trainer, ownership of regional industry, cross-sectoral cooperation
Centers of vocational innovation (2) Innovative education methods –Hybrid learning (different levels) –Blended learning (classroom & online) –Combining initial education and ‘life long learning’ Up-to-date knowledge and facilities : –Training of teachers –Guest lecturers –Equipment and facility sharing Innovation projects: –applied research –Students and researchers work together Focus on 21th century skills: –Information / communication –Multi-discipline –Creativity –entrepreneurship
CVI Biobased economy Aim: train students and professionals for regional biobased economy: –guarantee sufficient influx –by stimulating innovative ways of cooperation –Schools, industry and institutions Partnership: 3 VET colleges in green en technical sectors, biobased companies, local and regional authorities and HE
What is biobased? Sorghum maltGluten free Beer
Roadside grassPaper
4 Action programmes Promotion en information: Youtube, websites, workshops, meeting days Process (new) knowledge into training modules, assignments and curricula: Curricula for all levels, MOOC, in-company modules Future professions and techniques Cooperation with companies in projects, (research) assignments, traineeships: Suiker Unie on sugar and fibres in sorghum steel Facility sharing: use and share facilities for education and innovation purposes: Application centres in biopolymers, colours and coating; simulation process engineering; 3D printing Fablab
Results Students: –Familiar with biobased innovations –Real life and relevant learning, attractive training programmes –Positive career perspective Teachers: –Upskilling and familiar with biobased innovations –Close cooperation with local industry Companies : –Well trained professionals –Research capacity –Use of school facilities –Positive publicity
Lessons learned, food for thought Focus on smooth transitions between education sectors New opportunities lie in cross-overs between industrial sectors: smart industries Strong -autonomous- education institutions are key to regional development How to realise necessary flexibility in highly structuralised (regulated) education sector? How to skip your own shadow: cooperate instead of compete?
Thank you very much for your attention! Information/contact: Veronique Feijen M: