3D Printing = additive manufacturing Process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies.
Fused Deposition Modeling Plastic extrusion Makerbot -3D Printer we use
StereoLithography DLP 3D Printing A high resolution projector sits beneath the resin container and projects image slices to cure each layer. The projected image is just black and white as seen below. Since the resin is UV sensitive, the white areas of the projected image will direct UV and near-UV light to the areas which need curing. Laser 3D Printing Uses a laser to trace out the cross-sections of the model. Similar to fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printing, the laser essentially “draws” the layer to be cured. The laser is focused using a set of lenses and then reflected off of a motorized scanning mirror. The scanning mirror directs the precise laser beam at the reservoir of UV sensitive resin to cure the layer. Alternatively, some laser 3D printers move the laser directly using an XY stepper motor arrangement similar to those used in filament based printer. Continuous Liquid Interface Production Technology (CLIP)
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) Where the powder particles are selectively fused together with a laser or glued together with a printed adhesive Powder Bed 3D Print Techniques Metal 3D Printer -
3D Printing Materials Plastic: ABS, PLA Metal: silver, gold, platinum, aluminum, steel, brass bronze Ice Cream Gypsum Chocolate Human cells Molecules Bio based resins Sandstone Porcelain Resin: liquid photopolymer
Software for 3D Design Free Software Google SketchUp 3Dtin Blender OpenSCAD Tinkercad (123 Apps) Commercial Software AutoCad Pro Engineer Rhino Maya SolidWorks
.STL STereoLithography: File format used by 3D printing software
Websites with 3D Designs 3D Marvels 3D Marvels 3D Via 3D Via GrabCAD GrabCAD Google 3D Warehouse Google 3D Warehouse Ponoko Product Plans Ponoko Product Plans Shapeways 3D Parts Database Shapeways 3D Parts Database Thingiverse Thingiverse Turbosquid: Free objects Turbosquid: Free objects