Reebok Brandon Bolling Nick Skrip Cindy Jezuit Kinsey Coble Mantas Dubauskas Tyler Shapiro
The #YOURREEBOK App Overview ●Creating a fan friendly, interactive app. ●Campaign revolves around trendy hashtag “#yourreebok”. ●Will create a buzz with our brand & increase customers. ●App allows you to submit your homemade commercials for a chance to be aired on Television. o Shoes, crossfit, “live with fire”,etc. Sign In Sign Up!
Tone of the Campaign ●The overall tone will be one as if your personal trainer: o As if you personal trainer was talking to you in the gym. o This means it will be motivational and serious. But with the funny laid back side to it to keep it light and also keep you interested.
Partner Company They will help push some increased traffic in your direction: ●It gives our company & brand a chance to reach another market. o Potential traffic increase ●Our company will sell socks now o More customers/sales/traffic ●By having “Stance Socks” promote our brand on their SM platforms, we increase awareness to our brand o More people reach our sites More Traffic *Sample Socks*
Pinterest What will your key messages be for each channel? Create specific posts/message topics for each medium was examples to share to your companies c- suite. o #yourreebok o Promote Stance Socks with our hashtag o #vote o Explain the contest/app in the description on Pinterest What type of media are you going to post? Think of specific examples w/o actually creating the media...unless you want to! o Videos (use hashtag) o Pictures (use hashtag) o Marketing Picture for the contest/app o Make the contest/app’s own Pinterest page o Pin it to win it
Pinterest continued... What type of creative ideas can you come up with to attract people to these social media outlets? o Hashtags o Stance Socks (people doing CrossFit and our hashtag) o Put this link in multiple pages and websites (make well known) o Current Reebok commercials use and promote the commercial app
Facebook ●What will your key messages be for each channel? Create specific posts/message topics for each medium was examples to share to your companies c-suite o The key message for Facebook would advertising a.the Reebok shoes b.CrossFit c.Spartan Race o #yourreebok #vote ●What type of media are you going to post? Think of specific examples w/o actually creating the media...unless you want to! o Reebok could post an ad about the app o Post pictures of customers with the Reebok shoes on during CrossFit or during the Spartan Race. ●Create a basic social media calendar of the week breaking down what you are posting/how. This will essentially repeat each week in order to keep things on track. o Each day Reebok would post a picture or video showing peoples progress and what people have come up with for the commercial. ●What type of creative ideas can you come up with to attract people to these social media outlets? o Promote deals and discounts when participating. Try and get people on social media involved taking surveys, videos, pictures, ask the viewers for ideas and tips.
Twitter Key messages: ●#yourreebok / #vote ●Share commercials via Twitter ●Reinforcements of contest/campaign/hashtag w/ pictures, videos, messages, quotes, athletes, CrossFit, etc. Basic Social Media Calendar Example: ●Monday: #yourereebok picture, video example of commercial being made by Reebok customer, picture of a professional athlete holding a camera with the hashtag, tweet asking to favorite if you will be making a commercial, video advertisement of the contest, picture advertisement of people wearing Reebok clothes making a video ●Tuesday: video example of commercial being made by Reebok customer, CrossFit athletes filming their own commercial, yourereebok picture, tweet with a link to an explanation of the contest ●Wednesday: picture of what the app for the commercial contest looks like, video example of people laugh and making their own commercial, picture of a variety of Reebok products with #yourereebok Creative Ideas: ●Free T-shirts w/ hashtag #yourreebok w/ purchases ●Commercials of reinforcement ●Hashtags direct to Twitter -->billboards, posters, etc.
Instagram ●Key Message o Our #yourreebok campaign. all about sharing your pictures of the things you’re doing to make a reebok commercial. the specific posts will be things like pictures prepping for the commercial or people wearing the #yourreebok t shirts. ●Type of Media o clips of the commercial submissions we have received on the #yourreebok app to help push the campaign and show the world that our customers are participating in this movement. o All of our posts will tag users so they can search them out on the app and vote for them if they like what they see o The pictures we post will be images on the many people shooting videos. We can even create pictures will many tiny pictures in one image of people making their commercials to show how many people are participating. ●Calendar Ideas o Monday- full videos of actual commercial submissions from the app. o Tuesday- pic stitch images of people working on their video submissions. o Wednesday- full videos of actual commercial submissions from the app. o Thursday- pic stitch images of people working on their video submissions o Friday- updated stats from the app that include how many submissions have been uploaded and also the top 10 videos that week. o Saturday & Sunday- full videos of actual commercial submissions from the app.
Instagram continued... ●Creative Ideas o We will have t shirt giveaways that will attract people to the social media outlets. o We can have a street team going out to hand out flyers, promotions, and t shirts to get people involved. This way people who know will know more and those who do not can gain interest and try to make a commercial, which leads to reebok apparel and shoe sales. ●Instagram → Print/Video/TV Campaign o We will have our print media with information on how to access our social media accounts and get involved. o The headline will be “YOUR REEBOK” o We will connect our social media efforts with our video ads and TV Campaigns/commercials by mentioning the yourreebok campaign and how to get involved. Also, we can tell our followers and customers to tag pictures on them watching the commercials online for the #YourReebok campaign to enter for giveaways every week.
YouTube ----What will your key messages be for each channel? Create specific posts/message topics for each medium was examples to share to your companies? - Create a video with clips of each entry of customer videos showing others some examples and promote the campaign for others - Create a slow motion video with multiple clips of entries to promote the campaign ----What type of media are you going to post? Think of specific examples w/o actually creating the media...unless you want to? -We will be creating videos only because YouTube is all video based. We will combine clips of multiple videos to create our own to promote the campaign. ----Create a basic social media calendar of the week breaking down what you are posting/how. This will essentially repeat each week in order to keep things on track. -We will post new videos every Friday of the week and post them to all of our social media outlets to promote our idea. This will also allow others to join in and create their commercial.
Youtube ----What type of creative ideas can you come up with to attract people to these social media outlets? -Put links on multiple pages and use current videos or commercials of Reebok and incorporate our idea into them. -Use Hashtags -Stance Socks (People doing crossfit and using our Hashtags) -Create T-shirts with our hashtag logo to promote idea, every purchase of Reebok Item receive a shirt. ----How will you integrate social media into traditional print media like billboards, outside advertising, and print ads? What is the tone of the campaign? What will the headline be for your ad campaign? -Stance Socks -Put our Ad on all of our Social Media Sites -Create a Separate Channel of only our Brand and Idea. Allow fans to get exclusive access to our Campaign.
Vine What will your key messages be for each channel? Create specific posts/message topics for each medium was examples to share to your companies? -All about sharing your videos of the things you’re doing to make a reebok commercial -Key message for vine to advertise would be. -A. #CrossFitGames -B. #SpartanStrong -C. #Yourreebok -The specific posts will be things like Videos prepping for the commercial or people wearing the #yourreebok t shirts. What type of media are you going to post? Think of specific examples w/o actually creating the media...unless you want to? -We will be creating videos only because VIne is all video based. We will be creating all kinds of funny videos with people wearing reebok gear with #Spartanstrong #CrossFitGames #Yourreebok Create a basic social media calendar of the week breaking down what you are posting/how. This will essentially repeat each week in order to keep things on track. -We will post new videos every day and see what people think. This will also allow others to join in and create their own Vine.
Vine What type of creative ideas can you come up with to attract people to these social media outlets? - Creating videos that will get people attention -Have vine users create videos and be able to win like a big prize - Always make sure people have something that says reebok in there videos -Use Hashtags - Use hashtags when they are doing and event like crossfit or the warrior challenge for example #CrossFitgames #SpartaStrong #Yourreebok -Create T-shirts with our hashtag logo to promote idea, every purchase of Reebok Item receive a shirt or Sticker with one of the hashtag sayings. How will you integrate social media into traditional print media like billboards, outside advertising, and print ads? What is the tone of the campaign? What will the headline be for your ad campaign? -Put the Ad on all of our Social Media Sites - We will have our print media with information on how to access our social media accounts and get involved. - Take servey and see what people think and ask for feed back