by inferring by analyzing NAME DATE / BLOCK The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULEUNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT How does point of view affect the story? How are character traits revealed? Why is characterization important to the plot of the story? How are conflict and theme connected? What is the difference between a theme and a topic? How do characters help reveal theme? Plot, Setting & ConflictMood, Tone, and Style and The Language of Poetry The Power of Ideas Point of View Connection Compare/Contrast Characterization Analyzing Character and Point of View is about… by identifying by analyzing by identifying and analyzing Understanding Theme is about…
by inferring by analyzing NAME DATE / BLOCK The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT/Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT/Experience UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE Analyzing Character and Point of View and Understanding Theme UNIT MAP CURRENT UNIT How does point of view affect the story? How are character traits revealed? Why is characterization important to the plot of the story? How are conflict and theme connected? What is the difference between a theme and a topic? How do characters help reveal theme? Mood, Tone, and Style and The Language of Poetry Fantasy & Science Fiction The Power of Ideas Point of View Connection Compare/Contrast Characterization Analyzing Character and Point of View is about… by identifying by analyzing by identifying and analyzing Understanding Theme is about… determining what makes characters unforgettable character traits methods of characterization point of view the narrator what characters teach us about life and human nature ideas from text recurring theme The Problem with Bullies Tuesday of the Other June Ghost of the Lagoon In Search of Pompeii The Dog of Pompeii Nadia the Willful
The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map 9 Grammar Connections – pronoun use, verb tenses, comparative/superlative modifiers, punctuate dialogue, noun-forming suffixes, combining sentences. tells what the writing is about. usually stated in a word or two. a message about life or human nature that a writer wants readers to understand. Themes are life’s lessons learned. more complex than a topic but the topic is part of the theme. usually described in a sentenc e. Theme VS Topic Analyzing Character and Point of View and Understanding Theme Is about determining what makes characters unforgettable and what characters teach readers about life and human nature. 1 st person2 nd person (Rarely Used) 3 rd person Told by a narrator who is a character in the story, often the main character. Uses pronouns such as I, me, my, our, we us. Told by a narrator who wants to make you feel like part of the story. Uses pronouns such as you, your, and yours. Told by a narrator who is not part of the story. Uses pronouns such as he, she, they, him, her, them. Point of View Physical AppearanceThoughts, Speech, ActionOther CharactersNarrator’s Comments Characters looks and expressions What a character thinks, says and does Other characters reactionsA narrator directly tells you what a character is like. Characterization – way in which a writer helps readers understand what characters are like.