09/21/07Shutdown’07 Week 7 F.G. Garcia1 MTA beam line installation Weekly Report September 21, 2007 Period covered: September 14 th September 21 th (Week 7) MTA – Week5
09/21/07Shutdown’07 Week 7 F.G. Garcia2 MTA Weekly Report – Week 7 Electrical Work Cable pull complete Termination of load cables ongoing (50%) Termination of the instrumentation cables ongoing (gallery and tunnel) Interlock box installed and electrically terminated Next week: Finalize cable termination and instrumentation connections Alignment Beam line has been rough aligned Some issues were revealed: Magnets stationing of most components were unsatisfactory Quadrupole magnets were repositioned and realigned Cause: installation error CDA magnets still need to be repositioned and realigned A new nominal values were released for these magnets Beam sleeve thru the shielding wall has been aligned AMG started referencing the MW cans. Next week: - Aid on the adjustment of the CDA magnets station - Continue referencing the MW cans
09/21/07Shutdown’07 Week 7 F.G. Garcia3 MTA Weekly Report – Week 7 LCW work System was hydrostatic pressure tested Water techs are fabricating hoses and fittings Next week: Start making hose-connection between the manifold and magnets Vacuum work Spool piece progress was delayed due to problems with magnets stationing Quadrupoles spool pieces resumed middle of the week MW cans assembly ongoing Next week: Finalize the spool piece connections Receive and install the MW vacuum cans Start roughing vacuum by the end of the week
09/21/07Shutdown’07 Week 7 F.G. Garcia4 MTA Weekly Report – Week 7 Mechanical installation Beam stop mechanical parts have been delivered from the machine shop Currently parts have been cleaned Final assembly started Next week: Install the beam stop (upstream) Shielding installation Shielding added around the beam pipe sleeve Gathering material to complete the shielding requirements in the utility penetration Next week: Finalize the shielding requirements for beam operation in Linac.