1 10-Jul-03 Ken Bell - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Dee Installation and Commissioning Reminder – installation concept (A.Surkov) Some remarks Time estimates Conclusions
2 10-Jul-03 Ken Bell - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Installation Concept A.Surkov – Autumn 2000 2 EE Dees go to SX5 They are rotated from horizontal into vertical They are bolted together on the “EE Riser” Test all 7320 channels, using “mobile” test equipment EE Riser and 2 Dees lowered, EE+ traverses to UX5 on air-pads Tower of 4 HF Risers built up in front of HE, carefully positioned Dummy Dees removed. EE Riser and 2 Dees craned on top Adjustments: x, y; rotate about {z,y,x} (hydraulics) Final move in z to HE, insert “dowel pins” & torque the bolts Connect all services at the patch panels Test all 7320 channels through to the counting room If ∼ all OK, remove Dee cradles, dismount EE Riser & HE Risers Repeat the procedure at the other endcap Wait for the physics to begin
3 10-Jul-03 Ken Bell - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Some remarks Concept has now evolved to allow single Dee installation, e.g. to allow single Dee repair during a shutdown – Good ! The desire for prior surface testing is mine – biased: a) by bitter personal experience b) knowing that activation makes subsequent UX5 repairs difficult If EB has found no problems after installation, we might skip this… Debugging/commissioning at a height of 7–11m will not be easy, but other sub-detectors will have already faced & solved this Mount both Dees, then commission. I don’t want HV & 20kW of LV being commissioned on D1 while D2 is being moved nearby… We should not forget SE… Doubling the handling gear would allow greater parallelism between the 2 endcaps, ie would give EE+/– and SE+/– longer to install and commission… Expensive – shift working is cheaper?
4 10-Jul-03 Ken Bell - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Time Estimates EE time estimates for installation – from Justin Greenhalgh First endcap(+): Underground, mounted on HE 5 weeks First endcap(+): Connect, test, debug 4 weeks Second endcap(–): Underground, mounted on HE 4 weeks Second endcap(–): Connect, test, debug 4 weeks Austin’s V33.0 planning allows EE&SE +/– 6 weeks, 6 weeks respectively (but parallelism both completed in 8 (=2+4+2) weeks) Austin’s V33.1 planning allows EE&SE +/– 8 weeks, 6 weeks respectively (but parallelism both completed in 10 (=4+4+2) weeks) Ignoring SE, V33.1 == EE+: 1week Setup, 1w D1, 1w D2, 1w Services, 4w Commission EE–: 0week Setup, 1w D3, 1w D4, 1w Services, 3w Commission These times feel challenging, but acceptable…
5 10-Jul-03 Ken Bell - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Conclusions EE+ needed for installation in 8 weeks starting 22-Dec-06 EE– needed for installation in 6 weeks starting 22-Jan-07 Need to figure out how to pre-test “everything” beyond the patch panels at the perimeter of the Dees – the only way to reduce the commissioning time No time for Dee dismount/repair, even if serious problems So remove cradles as soon as Dees on HE, and profit from better access and liberating the EE Riser for the other endcap Installing also SE will be “interesting”, eg 1w Setup+, 1w D1, 1w D2, 1w SE+, 1w Services, 3w Commission 1w Setup –, 1w D3, 1w D4, 1w SE –, 1w Services, 1w Commission