Kinder, Küche and Kirche = children, kitchen and church Women’s duty was to stay at home and take care of the home and children Laws restricting women in higher education and employment Women also excluded from participation in the judiciary or in the jury service Propaganda to discourage females in the workplace Women were strictly controlled even at home Liberation of women from the liberal democratic policies of the Weimar Republic Hitler often referred to the biological roles of men and women commanded by nature Organizations to promote Nazi-approved values among women established but their role was secondary (DFW, NSF and RMD)
PRO-NATALIST POLICIES Policies to encourage growth in the birth rate Included for example marriage loans, income-tax reductions to married couples with children, maternity benefits and child support Mother’s Cross award Illegalization of abortion and closing down of birth control centers Unmarried women encouraged to have children. Lebensborn= buildings where selected unmarried women went to get pregnant by ’racially pure’ SS-men
DURING THE WAR TIME Hitler had to compromise his ideology concerning women when labour power in the factories was needed Women employment became a necessity Duty Year programme introduced where women were forced to do one year of compulsory work Women’s role in the factories increased during Speer’s programme
SOURCES Authoritarian States – IB History Course Book germany/