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PopulationHealthTransportatio n Housing
Row 1, Col 1 Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu What are the 4 most populous island in Japan?
1,2 2 to 3 pounds of trash every day How much trash does a typical Tokyo resident create a day?
1,3 An hour an a half each day!!! What is the average commute time in Tokyo?
1,4 Because flat land for buildings are scarce in Japan Why is Japanese Housing so small?
2,1 Because Japan is Too mountainous for large town or cities Why does Japan not have a lot of large towns or cites?
2,2 They cause breathing problems What problems does smoke from factories and exhaust from cars cause in Japan?
2,3 They created an efficient public transportation system, Underground subways link one part of a city to another While trains carry people from town to town How have the Japanese adapted to busy rush hours, and how does it work?
2,4 Because the city apartments are small compared to the ones in the rural areas, and with space so tight fewer People lived in extended families Why do most Japanese people no longer live in extended families?
3,1 False Son ! Japan is 17 times more crowded than the U.S True or False Japan is twice as crowded as the U.S?
3,2 They wear facemasks like the ones used by doctors. What way do people who are sick in Japan avoid spreading diseases?
3,3 The law that was passed was that if you live in Tokyo you cannot own a car unless you can prove that you Have a place off the street to park it What law has Tokyo passed to deal with its private cars and parking problems?
3,4 Families with just parents and their children What are nuclear families?
4,1 880 Person Per Square Mile What is Japan’s arithmetic population?
4,2 They turned to recycling. What has Tokyo done to reduce the flow of trash?
4,3 to shove as many passengers as possible into the cars What are the job of pushers in the subways?
4,4 One way was to use rooms for more than more purpose And the second is by making things smaller What are two ways the Japanese are making the most of their living space?
5,1 Type the answer for 5,1 here. (Type the question for 5,1 here.)?
5,3 Type the answer for 5,3 here. (Type the question for 5,3 here.)?
5,4 Type the answer for 5,4 here. (Type the question for 5,4 here.)?