John McGee, Ph.D. Geospatial Extension Specialist The Virginia Geospatial Extension Program (540) Metadata Training and Outreach for Virginia: A Comprehensive Approach Submitted by the Virginia Geospatial Extension Program in Partnership with Old Dominion University James Wilson, Ph.D. Old Dominion University (757)
Outline What is a geospatial extension program? Virginia’s approach to support metadata efforts Discussion
What is a Geospatial Extension Program? Mission: Facilitate the adoption of geospatial tools and techniques at all levels of government. “Bridge the geospatial divide” Promote the efficient development of geospatial products and services at the local, regional, state & federal levels Support workforce development, higher edu. and pre- college geospatial educational efforts
Space Grant Sea Grant End Users Local, Regional, Tribal, State & Fed. Extension Specialists Extension Agents Higher Edu. Pre- College Geospatial Extension Specialists Feedback Loops The Geospatial Extension Model Land Grant Seed Funding
Virginia Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources -Working with land owners (For, Agri., etc.) -Public safety -BMP’s Community Viability -Local / regional planning + urban sprawl -Community asset based needs assessments -Economic development Family and Consumer Sciences -Nutritional programs -Obesity and health / child care -Financial management 4-H Geospatial Applications Will be Applied Across all Program Areas Community Center 1.5 mi. Zone Around CC Statistics in Zone Fem. HH w/ Children: 1,033 Total Pop: 15,885 White: 4,253 Black: 11,108 Asian: 124 Age < 5yrs: 1,128 Age>65 yrs: 1,584 HouseHlds: 6,544 Renter Occ.: 2,897
Geospatial Extension Specialist Status of the Program Geospatial Extension Program States Puerto Rico Interested States
Geospatial Extension Specialists Barron Orr AZ Paul Mask AL Sandy Prisloe CN Nathan MattoxMO Scott Samson MS Karisa Vlasek NE Shane BradtNH John Nowatski ND Nathan WatermeierOH May Yuan OK Greg Bonynge RI Amy HaysTX Philip RasmussenUT John McGee VA (May 2006) State Webpages and contact information can be accessed through
Each state program has a unique set of applications, approaches, and clients… Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Identify early/lead adopters to optimize the diffusion of geospatial products and services…
Workforce Development
Additional Examples of initiatives (Virginia) Geospatial implementation plans for local governments Engaging Virginia’s Extension Community Facilitate workforce development efforts through the community college system and other partners Training for pre-college stakeholders Support state government geospatial efforts
The “state” of Virginia’s Metadata
The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) Mandates: Foster the development of a coordinated comprehensive system for providing ready access to electronic state government geographic data products for individuals, businesses, and other entities. Develop maintain and provide in the most cost effective manner access to the catalogue of Virginia geographic data and governmental data users. Compile a data catalogue consisting of descriptions of GIS coverages maintained by individual state and local government agencies. All state agencies that maintain GIS databases shall report to the Division the details of the data that they develop, acquire, and maintain.
Adding fuel to the fire… Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP) Imagery: -Provides local and state government agencies with high resolution aerial photography (6” - 2 ‘ res. in 2002). -Update scheduled for Serving as a catalyst to support the development of geospatial data at all levels of government. Statewide centerline and addressing program. High resolution hydro. layer (1:4,800)
Metadata Efforts: “In the works” Virginia is in the process of implementing a metadata clearinghouse -Emphasis on state level metadata efforts -Local governments are free to develop and submit metadata records Metadata training in Virginia: Great Timing!
Metadata Training 6 targeted workshops will be held at strategic geographic locations across Virginia.
Metadata Workshop Marketing VGIN local government listserve GEP Newsletter: distributed to over 2000 GIS professionals in Virginia
Workshop Logistics Each workshop = participants (Local / state government employees will receive priority) Travel scholarships are available (preference given to local governments) Federal, non-profit, and other stakeholders are also being encouraged to attend. On line registration No registration fees Lunches provided by private sector sponsors.
Metadata Workshop Agenda Morning session (presentations and discussion): -focused on the “broader aspects” of metadata, metadata structure, and the need for quality metadata. Afternoon session (hands-on activities): -creating metadata -submitting metadata to the Virginia Metadata Clearinghouse -options for generating a smooth workflow
Questions and Discussion…. John McGee Virginia Geospatial Extension Specialist (540)