Presentation Title Ramsay Health Care Library
How to let staff know about the library resources
1. Show step-by-step how to register for a personal logon (online and easy)
Find the Registration Form. (need to be onsite, on a Ramsay computer)
Onsite on a Ramsay computer ….
2. Show the Library Orientation powerpoint
Available to all staff at Onsite and offsite access Resources include point of care, research databases, ejournals and ebooks There is a Helpdesk service to assist with your access and your document and search requests. :
Copyright Q. Can you make a copy of an article that is part of the RHC Library journal collection? If so, how many copies? Yes, one copy for your personal use Q. Can you make multiple copies of articles for the purpose of training Ramsay staff? No, unless you have permission from the supplier/author
Copyright Q. If a journal article is not in the Library collection can you: Forward it on to others No Add it to the Ramsay Intranet No Make multiple copies? No
Copyright Q. How can you share journal articles that are included in the Library collection? Use links to the article (in policies and training)
PERSISTENT LINKS (permalinks) Plinks SHARING INFORMATION The best links to use are called persistent links. Persistent links are attached to each article in Cinahl, Medline, NRC+ and JBI. Click on the article title to go to its detailed citation. On the right hand side of the screen there will be a persistent link icon. Clicking on this will bring up the article’s persistent link in the centre of the screen. Copy this link and share it. A persistent link will take you to the article in the database it comes from.
Persistent links in CINAHL
Persistent links in NRC+
Persistent links in Joanna Briggs Institute
Copyright and updating policies When updating policies check that: Images are not included in breach of copyright law Article content isn’t included in breach of copyright law Policy references may be improved by: Being able to find (source) the policy content Using a consistent referencing style, ie. APAAPA Using the latest editions Including persistent URLs, where available, to enable staff to access the full text of an item. (IMPORTANT TO HAVE A PERSONAL LOGON)
Creating Your Own Journal and Search Alerts (keeping current)
Creating a Journal Alert (Ovid journal) TOC ed to you AACN Advanced Critical Care AJN American Journal of Nursing Critical Care Nursing Quarterly Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing Journal for Nurses in Professional Development Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Journal of Nursing Care Quality Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! Nursing Management
At the Journal Page Click on eTOC eTOC Find the journal in the AtoZ Journal Catalogue and go to the Ovid journal home page.
Creating a Search Alert in CINAHL Save a search Any new items are ed to you
Run a Search in CINAHL
Create an account or Sign in
Search Alerts in CINAHL Click on Advanced Settings to select only alerts.
To view, edit or delete an alert open your Ebsco folder.
Thank you for watching. Do you have any questions? There is a Helpdesk service to assist with your access and your document and search requests. :