The Middle Ages Rise of Feudalism It is unfortunate that we do not have a Medieval European laid out on a table before us, ready for dissection. Society was arranged like a tree, with your nobles in the upper twigs and your peasants grubbing around the roots. This was known as the manurial system where land was passed through fathers to sons by primogenuflecture. To some degree rules diluted people into thinking that this was a religious operation.
Vikings –From _________________ –Superior Sailors conducted raids on coastal areas Reasons for raids and Viking Expansion –__________________________ –Youth Explosion –Weakness in neighboring areas –____________________________ ____________ –From Eastern Europe and Central Asia Cross Danube River into Europe in late 800s Muslims –Attacked from North Africa –_____________________________ –Controlled much of Spain Invasions Erode Society
Response to _______ –Rollo (Viking) and Charles the Simple (Frankish King) Creation of Normandy (Land of the Northmen) Structure of _________________ –Lords own large tracts of land –Lords loan land to ________ in exchange for _________________________ –Vassals employ ___________ to work the land –Most Peasants were _______ Serfs were tied to the land, they could not leave it, but were not slaves; you were born into serfdom –The Clergy fell into the position of the Lords, but could also be Vassals –__________ were Vassals Creation of ____________
The Medieval Manor The _____ was the basic ________________of Medieval Times –Manor consisted of all the lands of the Lord and included homes for peasants and serfs, fields, a manor house, a church and a village area. Woodlands and streams would also be included. –In exchange for ___________ peasants and serfs worked the land for the lord.
Siege of a Castle Castles were designed with defense in mind _____________were machines used to break a castle
Age of Chivalry Chivalry from the French for Knight –Knights were _________________ Charles Martel develops knights to combat mounted Muslim troops –Creation of the ______ and _________ makes mounted warriors a possibility. Extremely _____________ to be a knight Feudal system supports knights through being vassals to a lord Chivalric Code –Designed to make warfare ____________ –Described obligations of knights Protect _______ –Owed 40 days of mounted service per year. Becoming a Knight –Age __ nobles become a Page –Age __ Pages become Squires –Age __ Squires become Knights
Chivalric Culture Literature, Art, and Song focused on ________________________________ –Epic poems were favorites of the nobles The song of Roland Most often poems were written in Latin or French –_______________ sang love songs Most celebrated lady was Eleanor of Aquataine Women’s Role –As feudalism increased women __________ Women could inherit land, rule governments, and fought in battles Land was handed down to sons not daughters The _________ tries to lower the power of women