The Huns
Clovis I
Hey, look, Lombards!
Pepin the Short And Voila!King!
Another King! Charles
The Medieval Manor In Europe, people now lived on manors, self-sufficient communities consisting of a castle, church, village and surrounding farmlands.
For safety and for defense, people in the Middle Ages formed small communities around a central lord or master. manor Most people lived on a manor, which consisted of the castle, the church, the village, and the surrounding farm land. These manors were isolated, with occasional visits from peddlers, pilgrims on their way to the Crusades, or soldiers from other fiefdoms.
kings The kings had lots of land; he gave land to lords in exchange for loyalty and money/food. Lords Lords gave their land to knights in exchange for protection & money. fief Land given to knight for service was called a fief vassal Anyone accepting fief was called a vassal Person from whom he accepted fief was his lord Knights let serfs work the land and he would protect them. With a castle/keep and with fighting service. Serfs got food (that he grew) and shelter. Serfs were bound to the land (could not leave the manor Thus, each person had rights and responsibilities feudalism Historians call system of exchanging land for military service the feudal system, or feudalism
Carcassonne: A Medieval Castle
* Purpose: * Designed for defense, not comfort -cold, dark, drafty - usually built on a hill
* Motte * Motte-and-Bailey Castle (Courtyard)
* Moat * Wet - wastes and other nasty stuff * Dry were very common as well
* Drawbridge
* Portcullis
* Embrasures
* Machicolations (murder holes)
* Keep (most secure fortress)
* Siege Warfare
Parts of a Medieval Castle
The Road to Knighthood KNIGHT SQUIRE PAGE
Chivalry: A Code of Honor and Behavior
WHAT IS CHIVALRY? A code of honor
Life on the Medieval Manor Serfs at work
The Medieval Catholic Church filled the power vacuum left from the collapse of the classical world. monasticism: St. Benedict – Benedictine Rule of poverty, chastity, and obedience. provided schools for the children of the upper class. inns, hospitals, refuge in times of war. monks missionaries to the barbarians. [St. Patrick, St. Boniface]
The Power of the Medieval Church Pope Gregory I played a large part in the political system. the church controlled about 1/3 of the land in Western Europe. tried to curb feudal warfare only 40 days a year for combat. tithe 1/10 tax on your assets given to the church. Peter’s Pence 1 penny per person [paid by the peasants].