Write down homework, leave out agenda Take out homework Update Table of Contents Complete C-note summary from yesterday and interact with notes Set up C-Notes, page 9 Topic: The Medieval Manor EQ: How did most Europeans live and work during the Middle Ages? Do Now, May 1, 2015
How did most Europeans live and work during the Middle Ages?
Describe the manor Most Europeans were peasants Lived and worked on manors Consisted of noble’s castle, fields, and peasant village Two types of peasants: Freeman Serfs
Define Freemen Paid the noble the right to farm Worked only on their land Had rights under law Could move wherever they wished
Define serf Tied to manor Could not own property, move, or marry with nobles permission Nobles protected serfs Could not sell them or take away farm land
Describe the duties of the serf Worked nobles land for 3 days Had to give a portion of their own crop to the nobles Had to pay for use of tools Could buy freedom or escape
Describe the lives of peasants Lived in villages clustered around an open area Worked year round Took Sundays and Catholic feast days off Women took care of the children and made food
List the improvements in farming Heavy wheeled plow with iron blade Horse collar to pull plows Water mills Wind mills Crop rotation- kept soil fertile!
Name the two types of peasants What is a freeman? What is a serf? What did a serf do? Describe an improvement in farming Review
tory/feudalism/ tory/feudalism/ Feudalism