The sentence and its parts. Ms. López March 12 th, 2012
What´s a Sentence? A sentence is a group of word that state or expresses an idea or thought.
What´s a Sentence? A sentence has two parts: a subject and a predicate. The subject includes the noun or pronoun that tells what the subject is about. The predicate includes the verb that describes what the subject is doing.
What´s a Sentence? Subject / Predicate Who / Actions Subject / Verb + Object + Complements
What can be a subject? Subject Nouns Proper Common Collective Abstract Concrete Maria, Mexico, Managua, Europe Workers, town, summer team, herd, flock, group, family, class Park, beach, dog, car Small children, green house, great yard, old horse (Subjective Personal) Pronouns Singular Plural I We You You He, she, itThey Noun Phrases ClausesWhere they are going, what you had for breakfast, … Faith, Justice, Truth, Honesty
What can be part of the Predicate? Verb + object + complements Action Verbs (walks, sing, eat, sleep) linking Verbs (to be, to seem, to appear) Verb Phrases (helping verb + main verb) Helping Verbs (to be, to have, to do, will, shall, might, may, can) Direct (nousn or pronouns receiver of the action) Indirect (identifies “to whom” or “for whom” or “for what” the action of the verb is performed) A complement is any word or phrase that completes the sense of a subject, an object, or a verbsubjectobjectverb
Modifiers in a Sentence Modifiers are adjectives and Adverbs. Clauses and Phrase can act as adjectives and adverbs. Modifiers = adjectives, adverbs and clauses and phrases acting like adjectives and adverbs.
Where can you find the modifiers in a sentence. Adjectives modify nouns. – Nouns are used as subjects and objects. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives or another adverb. – These can be at the beginning of the sentence, in the middle (before or after the verb) or at the end of the sentence.
Examples of Sentences Maria buys flowers. Who buys flowers?Maria. Maria is a nounThis is the Subject. Maria does what?BuysThis is the Action Verb Maria buys What?Flowers. Flowers is a nounThis is the Direct Object. Maria buys beautiful flowers. What kind of flowers Maria buys? BeautifulThis is an adjective that modifies flowers. “beautiful flowers” is a noun phrase. Maria buys beautiful flowers here. Where does Maria buys?here. This is an adverb of place that tell us where Maria buys. Maria always buys beautiful flowers here. How often Maria buys?AlwaysThis is an adverb of frequency that modifies the verb buys. Predicate
Let´s write sentences Nouns:I, car, house, apple, fruit, game, topic, juice, dinner, pet, garage, cake Verbs: drink, wash, eat, clean, study, like, play, be (is, am, are), have, park, ride, drive, cook, bake Adjectives: green, juicy, strange, old, delicious, dirty, funny, small Adverbs: every day, always, never, here, there, happily, carefully, dangerously, hardly