Vaccination POD
Take a moment to do the following: Tell people where the restrooms are located Point out location of break area Go over the lunch schedule Point out the First Aid Station location
All staff should have signed in, if you have not please raise your hand so that we can get the sign in sheet to you Everyone should have completed the following forms: HIPAA Confidentiality Form, Registration Form, Code of Conduct Everyone should have an ID badge or vest. These must be worn at all times. Everyone should be assigned a position and received a Job Action Sheet
Everyone must sign out before they leave the POD Everyone must turn in badge and all assigned equipment at end of shift Give a short briefing to your replacement
It is unlawful to divulge personal medical information. Personal health information that may be embarrassing for a client shall not be vocalized aloud or highlighted on the NAPH/consent form. All POD staff must complete a HIPAA Oath of Confidentiality Are there any questions regarding the form?
Take a moment to describe the agent (i.e. Anthrax, Tularemia, etc.) include the following: What it is Symptoms of exposure including onset and duration of illness Recommended treatment Local threat
Take a few moments to describe the vaccine. Include: Go over package insert for vaccine Dosage for adults Dosage for children and infants Drug interactions, allergies, contraindications Alternate treatment if applicable Go over the consent form and how to properly fill it out
Vaccine must be stored at the temperature listed on the package insert. POD Supply room staff must ensure hourly temperature checks of all coolers and refrigeration units. If vaccine is out of temperature, they must take measures to get it back within the temperature requirements. If the vaccine at your station has been out of a temperature controlled unit longer than 45 minutes, raise your blue card and have the runner exchange it. The empty vaccine vials shall be discarded into Sharps Containers on the tables at the station.
Anyone reporting to the POD with symptoms should be directed to the First Aid Station. They will receive their vaccination there and be directed on where to seek medical attention. Do not split up families; whoever came with them should follow them to the station. No Identification is needed to receive a vaccination
Unaccompanied Minors: Direct all minors to a mental health personnel (Introduce the Mental Health Counselor(s) at this time and describe how they may be picked out of a crowd) The minor will be interviewed to determine why they are alone. All possible means to contact the parental guardian will be made. The Mental Health Counselor will make an assessment and the appropriate referrals. All minors will receive vaccination if the threat is viable A photo will be taken of every unidentified minor
Unaccompanied Minors: If they are presenting symptoms of illness, they may be taken to a medical facility for treatment by law enforcement, licensed security guard, licensed medical personnel, licensed teacher, or ambulance. If they know where they live, minors may be escorted home by individuals listed above to ensure they arrive safely. No volunteers will be permitted to act as an escort for the child. Those under 12 will not be able to leave POD alone
Items you cannot bring into the POD: No large purses, bags, or backpacks will be allowed in. This includes POD paid staff and volunteers. Suspicious Package: Alert Security if you notice a package or bag unattended. Do not handle or open the bag; let security determine if the package poses a threat.
Staff and Family Prophylaxis: Staff may obtain vaccine at any time before or after their shift or if there are times when it is not busy during their shift. If family members come to the POD they will need to wait in line with everyone else. There will be no special privileges allowed.
Only authorized persons will have access to supply room/area at the POD. Each station will be responsible for tracking how many clients they give vaccinations to and recording it by lot number. You will have to sign out vaccine and be held accountable for it. Vaccine runners will keep track of how much vaccine was given to each station. These numbers should match the number of doses that each station records. All vaccine and supplies are federal property. Stealing vaccine is a federal offense and could be punishable by law. All staff are subject to being searched.
The hotline number is __________.Please write it down. This number should be used for people to call if they have questions once they leave the POD. Report rumors to command staff which will in turn be reported to the health department so they can stay on top of rumor control. All media inquiries are to be directed to the POD supervisor. No one should speak to the media without consent from the POD Supervisor.
Go over areas and briefly explain the general client traffic flow at the POD Point out exits and evacuation routes Describe building areas to take shelter during severe weather Go over any parking arrangements with POD Staff
Registration - Everyone must fill out a consent form completely Vaccination - People receive their vaccination After Care - People have any questions answered before leaving. Exit - leave the POD
There are colored cards at each station to be used by the Vaccinators and Vaccinator Assistants. Use Color Coded Cards to signal availability and questions: Raise Green Card: if you are ready to help the next client Raise Yellow Card: if you have a medical question or issue for the Medical Lead or a Medical Lead Assistant Raise White Card: if you have a non-medical question or issue for Command Staff. Raise Blue Card: if you need more medication Raise Red Card: if you need more supplies
A functional needs client is anyone requiring special assistance while at the POD. Point out stations with easier access for people with disabilities. Line staff should escort people with functional needs to these stations. Point out After Care Area that people can go to with questions. Be accommodating to everyone’s needs, some people will need more attention than others.
Interpretation/Translation Introduce the Translator/Interpreter(s) at this time and describe how they may be picked out of a crowd. Ask for anyone who is fluent in other languages to raise their hand. The Line Lead should write down the number of the station with the language spoken to be able to direct anyone coming into the POD speaking different languages to those stations. There is written information in print in different languages, show staff where to find it.
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized, on-scene, all-hazards incident management approach that: Allows for the integration of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure. Enables a coordinated response among various jurisdictions and functional agencies, both public and private. Establishes common processes for planning and managing resources
POD Supervisor Facility Manager Security Coordinator Security Staff Administrative Representative POD Assistant Supervisor Medical Lead Vaccinators Vaccinator Assistant Medical Lead Assistant Mental Health Counselor First Aid Staff Non-Medical Lead Form Counter Data EntryAfter Care Translator / Interpreter POD Supply Lead Vaccine Runners Supply Runners Line Lead Registration/ Greeter Line Staff Safety Coordinator During the next few slides, have the Core Management Team stand up and introduce themselves as their position is explained. All Access/ Access to all areas Access to Vaccine Access to Supplies Access limited to POD position with no access to supplies or vaccine
POD Command Staff perform managerial functions, supervise staff, oversee operations, and track the functionality of the POD POD Lead Staff supervise and oversee a team of general staff that perform a function. POD Support Staff provide a support role to the POD
POD Supervisor has overall responsibility for all operations and activities at the POD. POD Assistant Supervisor will assist and manage the Leads at the direction of the POD Supervisor and act as backup POD Supervisor when requested. Administrative Representative performs several administrative functions at the POD, such as staff registration, sign-in sheets, paperwork tracking, identification verification, and schedules.
Medical Lead oversees the administering vaccinations, first aid team, mental health team, and operations at the POD. Non-Medical Lead is responsible for logistics such as tables, chairs, food, water, communications and other non-medical supplies and equipment. Line Lead is responsible for ensuring a smooth and efficient movement of clients through the POD POD Supply Lead is responsible for overseeing the storage, integrity, and inventory of all vaccines and medical supplies entering and leaving the supply room.
Safety Coordinator watches out for the safety of all staff and clients by identifying potential safety issues and correcting or notifying the POD Supervisor if unable to take corrective action Security Coordinator is in charge of indoor and outdoor security at the POD Facility Manager ensures all issues associated with the building are addressed
How to handle a medical emergency (Where is the First Aid Station?) How to handle a client who is upset, angry or emotional? (Who are the mental health professionals?) Make sure an POD Incident Report is completed for all accidents
If a disruption or conflict occurs, notify security at once Anyone ejected from the POD for unruly behavior should be taken to a private location and given their vaccine prior to being removed from the POD Security may assist people with special needs through the POD. If a bomb threat is called in, Notify Security immediately Go over evacuation routes
Medical Group Medical Lead Medical Lead Assistant Vaccinator Vaccinator Assistant Mental Health Counselor First Aid Staff Non-Medical Group Non-Medical Lead Data Entry Form Counter Translator/ Interpreter After Care Worker Line Control Group Line Lead Line Staff Greeter/ Registration POD Supply Room Group POD Supply Lead Vaccine Runners Supply Runners Verify you have a Job Action Sheet for the job you will be performing. If you do not have a Job Action Sheet report to the POD Administrative Representative for group and work assignment.