CAUGHT I N THE ACT JUNE 7, 2015 CAUGHT I N THE ACT JUNE 7, 2015 Memory Verse: “They have rejected the law of the LORD” Amos 2:4 NIV Prayer: Lord, Help me to treat everyone in fairness. Activity: Make a two sided happy/sad face. Read some scenarios and have children respond with the happy side if the response is good and vise versa if it is bad.
BE FAIR JUNE 14, 2015 BE FAIR JUNE 14, 2015 Memory Verse: “Let justice roll on” Amos 5:24 NIV Prayer: Lord, help me to love the things You love and hate the things You hate. Activity: Draw 6 pictures 3 of good things and 3 of bad things, have the children color them in, placing an X through the bad things.
DON’T BE SELFISH JUNE 21, 2015 DON’T BE SELFISH JUNE 21, 2015 Memory Verse: “My heart is not proud, LORD” Psalm 131:1 NIV Example: Hello I am Muggle I belong to God (bottom) Prayer: Lord help me not be selfish,but sharing in all that I have. Activity: Have the children make name badges. The name badge should say their name and that they belong to God.
GOD WILL NEVER FORGET June 28 th, 2015 GOD WILL NEVER FORGET June 28 th, 2015 Memory Verse: “[God said] Surely I will never forget any of [Israel’s] works” Amos 8:7 KJV Prayer: God help me to have a heart like you and to care for others. Activity: Have the children tell you how each profession helps them and their community.
GOD’S PAYBACK JUNE 28, 2015 GOD’S PAYBACK JUNE 28, 2015 Memory Verse: “[God said] I will never forget anything [Israel has] done” Amos 8:7 NIV Prayer: Lord help me to make new good decisions. Activity: Have the children tell you of something they did wrong, and let them tell you a better way of doing it.
NO REST FOR EVILDOERS JULY 5, 2015 NO REST FOR EVILDOERS JULY 5, 2015 Memory Verse:”Woe to those who plan [evil]” Micah 2:1 NIV Prayer: Lord I repent of all my wrong ways, help me to hear the truth and seek justice for the oppressed. Activity: Play the game “Simon Says” Take this time to explain the consequences of our wrong doings.
LEADERS WHO DO WRONG JULY 12, 2015 LEADERS WHO DO WRONG JULY 12, 2015 Memory Verse: “Listen, you leaders…Should you not embrace justice?” Micah 3:1 NIV Prayer: Lord Help me to be a good leader. Activity: Play follow “The Leader “ Take this time to explain that a good leader makes sure all task are understood and do- able.
WHAT GOD WANTS JULY 19, 2015 WHAT GOD WANTS JULY 19, 2015 Memory Verse: “Act justly…love mercy and…walk humbly with your God” NIV Prayer: Lord please forgive me of all my sins, I want to do right. Activity: Let the children color in a sign that reads, “…But God” Afterwards have the children tell you some things they’ve done wrong and want forgiveness for. Each time raising their sign.
GOD’S MERCY FOR ALL JULY 26, 2015 GOD’S MERCY FOR ALL JULY 26, 2015 Memory Verse: “[God throws] all our [sins] into the depths of the sea” Micah 7:19 NIV Prayer: God I thank you for your grace and your mercy. Activity: Color in the words Mercy, Clemency, Forgiveness, giving your definition for all three.
RESCUE ME! AUGUST 2, 2015 RESCUE ME! AUGUST 2, 2015 Memory Verse: “Guard my life and rescue me” Psalm 25:20 NIV Prayer: Lord, help me be the one that stands for right. Activity: Make some pre-cut outs of male and female bodies, suit of armor. Let the children color and paste the suit of armor on the bodies.
CHOOSING TO DO RIGHT AUGUST 9, 2015 CHOOSING TO DO RIGHT AUGUST 9, 2015 Memory Verse: “Reform your ways and your actions” Jeremiah 7:3 NIV Prayer: Lord help me to say, “Sorry” when I am wrong. Activity: Play, “Red Light, Green Light” Teach them to obey and to say sorry when they fail to respond to correct signal.
DO NOT SIN! AUGUST 16, 2015 DO NOT SIN! AUGUST 16, 2015 Memory Verse: “Do not sin” Psalm 4:4 NIV Prayer: Lord I am sorry for my wrong doings. Activity: Have the children make, I’m sorry cards. Let them give it to someone they’ve done wrong.
FAIRNESS FOR ALL AUGUST 23, 2015 FAIRNESS FOR ALL AUGUST 23, 2015 Memory Verse: “The LORD is a God of justice” Isaiah 30:18 NIV Prayer: Lord help me to show kindness. Song: Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so. Activity: Have the children make hearts and then pass them out to people showing acts of kindness.
DO GOOD! AUGUST 30, 2015 DO GOOD! AUGUST 30, 2015 Memory Verse: “Do to others what you would have them do to you” Matthew 7: 12 NIV Prayer: Lord, help me to do right unto others. Song: He’s got the whole world in His hands. Activity: Color in a picture of the whole world. Tell children treating everyone in fairness is right.