DSS AGM Reports from Executive
President Emma
FoScience meeting Website additions ( Orientation prep Constitution reform Office clean up Society Carnival General meetings/society contacts ResLife Carnival DOUGS
GOALS Communications Officer Scholarship Finalized D-level representation Great speakers for the symposium Tutoring sessions Library Hours High school rep
Vice-President Sam
Organized movie screening (Girl Rising) Website Started Brainstorming/planning for symposium Represented DSS at ResLife Resources Fair Attended DSU Council meetings Attended DSU finance and grants committee meetings Orientation Prep
GOALS Coordinate presentations from other societies/orgs Work on DSS Scholarship Organize/finalize symposium – community outreach (ie. high school students)
Treasurer Tommy
Constitution reform meetings with Ramz Scholarship general s regarding grants Society Carnival O-week Campus Copy Account AGM budget – need updated science student enrolment
GOALS Provide support to D-levels and offer guidance and support Come up with fun events and activities Refine finances and suggest improvements Be timely and present
Secretary Clair
Migration to outlook SORRY FOR THE 5 S! Contacting and compiling all D level contact info** Society Handbook Updating list Curriculum meeting (with Tori) -informatics minor (econ) – first year seminar course – max degree requirements discussion – health science issue
Goals Build relationships with D levels (coordination, define responsibilities about conveying information about events, deadlines) **make sure that your contact info is updated and that you 24 hours in advance if unable to attend a meeting WITH the name of your proxy
Social Chair Tori
Put up banner in LSC Updated DSS display board Society Fair Curriculum meting Ordered chairs and pizza for AGM Poster made for Girl Rising Notified first year profs about AGM
GOALS To get as many students involved as possible! New events!