Warwickshire County Council Framework Agreement for Alternative Education Provision Provider Induction Session 7 th September 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Warwickshire County Council Framework Agreement for Alternative Education Provision Provider Induction Session 7 th September 2012

Warwickshire County Council Aim of the session To clarify arrangements for the Framework Agreement for Alternative Education Provision

Warwickshire County Council Introductions Sarah Bradwell – Partnerships Manager Steve Pendleton – Lead Improvement Manager

Warwickshire County Council Context Warwickshire PRU closed on 31 August 2012 Framework Agreement live from 1 September 2012 Agreements in place for £2.4m to be devolved to ABPs in Permanent exclusions down from 88 in 2010/11 to 31 in 2011/12

Warwickshire County Council Aims Broad, engaging curriculum offer Improved behaviour, attendance and attitude to learning Educational progress and attainment Reintegration/maintained to school Positive destinations at post 16 Improved well-being through working with other support services (eg. CAMHS, family support) Reduced permanent exclusions

Warwickshire County Council Framework Agreement Full time: 5 successful providers Part time: 18 active providers

Warwickshire County Council The process – pupil identification School identifies pupil with challenging behaviour School uses own early intervention practice and techniques to address the issues (eg. LSUs) If school unable to resolve the issue, will consider a managed move or use of alternative provision; ABP Coordinator to be notified A short stay assessment place may be commissioned (WCC EIS) to determine whether or not alternative provision is appropriate

Warwickshire County Council The process – choosing a provider If alternative provision is the chosen option, the school/ABP Coordinator will consider the pupil’s needs The school/ABP Coordinator will then browse the directory for alternative provisiondirectory

Warwickshire County Council Criteria Providers will be chosen in line with the following criteria: o the needs of each learners' personal, behavioural and social needs; o opportunities for progression; o the quality of the provision; o value for money; o the accreditation it could offer; o the availability of provision in the area; o its location; o the cost; o each learners' interests.

Warwickshire County Council The process – agreeing the placement A provider is approached by the school/ABP Coordinator. A Learner Information Form should be sent to the provider.Learner Information Form Negotiation of placement between school/ABP Coordinator, parents, pupil and the provider. Call off contract agreed (eg. course, number of days per week, transport) as well as performance monitoringCall off contract performance monitoring Placement begins

Warwickshire County Council School roll Each pupil must remain on a school roll. In the event of a permanent exclusion, it will expected that the pupil transfers to the roll of another school within the ABP.

Warwickshire County Council The process – monitoring Provider is to send monitoring reports and instruction for payment at least monthly to the school/ABP Coordinator and the local authority reports instruction for

Warwickshire County Council Payment Payments to be made by local authority following authorisation from ABP Payment schedule to be agreed in call-off contract Expected to be monthly in arrears Discretion for upfront payment in accordance with Compact Optional performance related pay

Warwickshire County Council Monitoring expectations Good alternative provision should lead to good educational attainment for pupils. Provision will differ from pupil to pupil, but there are some common elements that alternative provision should aim to achieve, including: good academic attainment – particularly in English, maths and science – with appropriate accreditation and qualifications; that the specific personal, social, and academic needs of pupils are properly identified and met; improved pupil motivation and self-confidence, attendance, and engagement with education; and clearly defined objectives, including the next steps following the placement such as reintegration into mainstream education, further education, training, or employment. Source: Alternative Provision (Statutory Guidance), DfE, July 2012

Warwickshire County Council Monitoring expectations Attendance (use CLM) Educational progress Behaviour Regular monitoring of individual pupils by School/ABP Coordinator Regular monitoring of overall cohort by local authority Site visits and inspections

Warwickshire County Council The process – finishing the placement Pupil reintegrated to school Final monitoring report Provider is to return all records to the school Where the pupil is leaving education (post-16) plans to be in place to progress to education, employment and training

Warwickshire County Council Finalising the contract Make sure the contract is signed and returned Attend the mandatory training - Safeguarding training: 12 th & 20 th September - CAF training: 27 th Sept, 5 th October, 8 th, 20 th & 27 th November - Behaviour Management (to be confirmed) Review of policies

Warwickshire County Council Active and inactive Active unless: Providers choose to be inactive (eg. course full) Safeguarding and health and safety policies cannot be approved Mandatory training has not been attended Providers have not yet met minimum requirements of tender Local authority has concerns

Warwickshire County Council Sub-contracting Sub-contracting is permissible Responsibility for contracted provider remain Local authority must be notified and must approve use of sub- contractor

Warwickshire County Council Maintaining a dialogue Provider forums - Thursday 15 th November – 10am-12pm - Friday 1st March pm-3.30pm - Friday 21st June pm Working with Warwickshire Children and Voluntary Youth Services (WCVYS) Working with ABP Coordinators

Warwickshire County Council Any questions?