Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Using Federal Funds to Reduce Class Size Georgia Department of Education Georgia Compensatory Educational Leaders Conference Savannah, Georgia February 22-24, 2016
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Presenters Kathy C. Pruett Title I Education Program Specialist Georgia Department of Education (706) Elizabeth A. Zipperer Title II, Part A Education Specialist Georgia Department of Education (404)
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT & DISTRICT EFFECTIVENESS
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Introduction Class Size Reduction (CSR) flexibility allows a local educational agency (LEA) to use federal funds to reduce class size Class size is only one factor educators must consider when allocating resources to improve student achievement
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Introduction Any teachers hired with federal funds must be supplemental to those required by State rule , or class size numbers reported by Title 20/No Waivers System, Charter system, or Strategic Waivers School System to the Department’s Charter Schools Division Any teachers hired with federal funds must be highly qualified (through FY16) (meet applicable state certification requirements for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teachers provide instruction – beginning FY17) for each segment of their teaching assignment
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Research on CSR The Center for Public Education reviewed 19 studies on class size reduction to determine important findings about reduced class size primarily in the early grades: Smaller classes in the early grades (K-3) can boost student academic achievement; A class size of no more than 18 students per teacher is required to produce the greatest benefits; A program spanning grades K-3 will produce more benefits than a program that reaches students in only one or two of the primary grades;
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Research on CSR Minority and low-income students show even greater gains when placed in small classes in the primary grades; The experience and preparation of teachers is a critical factor in the success or failure of class size reduction programs; Reducing class size will have little effect without enough classrooms and well-qualified teachers; and Supports, such as professional development for teachers and a rigorous curriculum, enhance the effect of reduced class size on academic achievement.
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Planning for CSR The purpose of using CSR is to implement a specific program that requires a reduced class size Using CSR as a strategy must be a result of planning for the schoolwide program, which includes a comprehensive needs assessment that led to the incorporation of CSR teachers Adding CSR teacher(s) without the above components is not a valid reason for using federal funds to reduce class size
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Considerations A specific academic intervention must be stated in the SW plan that identifies why the school requires class size reduction teacher(s) The need for CSR must also be supported by academic achievement data An evaluation, based on achievement data, of the program using CSR must be implemented and included in the SW plan Academic intervention must be stated in the School Improvement Plan for non-SW schools (Title II, Part A only)
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Considerations Several questions must be answered in determining when federal funds may be used to reduce class size: What strategies will be more effectively implemented with small classes? If federal funds have been used in prior years to reduce class size, does documentation support the effectiveness of the strategies being used? How many state or locally paid teachers are required to meet maximum class size requirements?
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Considerations Are the classes core academic content? Are the classes self-contained? Are the classes departmentalized? Are the classes designed for at-risk children? Will class sizes be reduced to an evidence-based level? (FY17) ESSA, Title II, Part A Sec 2103 (b) (D), states an allowable activity is ‘reducing class size to a level that is evidence-based, to the extent the State (in conjunction with LEAs in the State) determines that such evidence is reasonably available, to improve student achievement through the recruiting and hiring of additional effective teachers. ‘
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Evaluation of CSR How will the LEA determine if the strategies stated in the “Justification narrative for Class Size Reduction teachers” are consistently implemented? Ongoing monitoring is imperative What academic achievement need(s) was identified for students in classes where CSR is implemented? How will the LEA determine if academic achievement increased in the area(s) (subgroup, content) of identified needs?
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Evaluation - Example Needs Being Addressed Funded Activity(ies) Data to be Collected Person Responsible for Collecting Coordinating and Analyzing Data Timeline for Collecting Coordinating and Analyzing Data Increase in achievement in reading for students of poverty Instructional strategy - Guided reading Reduced class size Classroom observation data – minimum of one observation per month Student achievement data (state, local benchmark ) Principal Assistant Principal Academic Coach School testing coordinator Academic coach Monthly Final analysis – June 10 to Title I or Title II, Part A Director (s) Summary of Analysis - June 30 to Title I or Title II, Part A Director (s)
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Documentation to be Maintained and Attached to Consolidated Application Description of strategies that will be more effectively implemented with Class Size Reduction (CSR) FY16 Class Size Reduction Worksheet Schedule in chart format for each middle school and high school implementing CSR
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” CLASS SIZE REDUCTION WORKBOOK Five Worksheets 1.Directions for completing the self-contained and the departmentalized worksheets 2.Sample - Self-Contained 3.Sample - Departmentalized 4.Self-Contained Worksheet 5.Departmentalized Worksheet Note: When completing the worksheets, enter data on the blank worksheets, not the samples
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Directions Worksheet
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes Worksheet
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self Contained Classes Click on Self-Contained Worksheet tab in Class Size Reduction Workbook (not sample-Self Contained) Highlighted columns contain formulas. Do not enter data in these columns Grade column - Enter the grade level Course column - Enter “all subjects”
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes LEA Maximum Class Size column – Enter either Per Georgia SBOE Rule OR Per Title 20/No Waivers System, Charter system, or Strategic Waivers School System, LEA Local Class Size Numbers reported to the GaDOE Charter Schools Division Total Students Enrolled in Self-Contained Regular Education Classes column – Enter total number of students in the grade who will be taught in a regular self-contained class
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes Number of Teachers Required to Meet LEA Maximum Class Size column will automatically divide the number of students by LEA maximum class size Teachers Paid with State or Local Funds column - Enter the number of teachers paid with State or local funds teaching a regular education self-contained class
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes Class Size Average before Reducing Class Size with Federal Funds column will automatically divide the total students by teachers paid with State or local funds to give average class size This column will show, mathematically, which grade has a greater need for class size reduction. Along with the class size, consider the needs assessment results for final determination
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes The Number of non-Federally Funded Teachers Meets Requirements to Reduce Class Size Using Federal Funds – this column will display “Yes” if the requirement for number of state or locally funded teachers has been met, or “No” if the requirement has not been met Do not enter data in this column Additional Teachers Paid With Federal Funds column – Enter the number of teachers paid with federal funds
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes Total Number of Teachers column will automatically add the number of state/local paid teachers and the number of federal paid teachers The Final Average Class Size column will automatically give the quotient when the total number of students enrolled is divided by the sum of the state and locally paid teachers plus the additional teacher paid with federal funds
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes Number of Teachers Funded By Title I column – Enter the number of federal paid teachers funded by Title I Number of Teachers Funded By Title II, Part A column – Enter the number of federal paid teachers funded by Title II, Part A
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Self-Contained Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes Click on the Departmentalized Worksheet tab in the Class Size Reduction workbook – NOT the sample- Departmentalized tab Highlighted columns contain formulas. Do not enter data in these columns Grade column - Enter the grade level; for High School, enter 9-12 Course column - Enter the course name
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes LEA Maximum Class Size column – Enter either Per Georgia SBOE Rule OR Per Title 20/No Waivers System, Charter system, or Strategic Waivers School System LEA Local Class Size Numbers reported to the GaDOE Charter Schools Division Total Students Enrolled in Course – Enter total number of students in the course
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes Total Segments Required to Meet LEA Maximum Class Size column will automatically divide the number of students by LEA maximum class size Segments Paid with State or Local Funds – Enter the number of segments of the course paid with state or local funds
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes Average Segment Size before Reducing Class Size with Federal Funds column will automatically divide the total students by segments paid with state or local funds to give average segment size This column will show, mathematically, which course has a greater need for class size reduction. Along with the segment size, consider the needs assessment results for final determination
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes Number of non-Federally Funded Instructional Segments Meets Requirements to Reduce Class Size Using Federal Funds – this column will display “Yes” if the requirement for number of state or locally funded segments has been met, or “No” if the requirement has not been met Additional Instructional Segments Paid With Federal Funds column – Enter the number of instructional segments/classes paid with federal funds
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes Total Number of Instructional Segments column will automatically add the number of state/local paid segments and the number of federal paid segments The Final Average Segment Size column will automatically give the quotient when the total number of students enrolled is divided by the sum of the state and locally paid segments plus the additional segments paid with federal funds
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Departmentalized Classes Number of Instructional Segments Funded By Title I column – Enter the number of federal paid teachers funded by Title I Number of Instructional Segments Funded By Title II, Part A column – Enter the number of federal paid teachers funded by Title II, Part A
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Final Reminder After a school district has ensured all maximum class size rules have been met at an individual school, the district may then hire additional teachers with federal funds to reduce class sizes. Any teachers hired with federal funds must be highly qualified and supplemental to those required by State rule , o r by Title 20/No Waivers System, Charter system, or Strategic Waivers School System LEA Local Class Size Numbers reported to the GaDOE Charter Schools Division
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Remember: There must be a NEED for the class size reduction teacher(s), the need must be stated in the PLAN, and an academic achievement EVALUATION of the CSR strategy must be included in the plan…. NEED, PLAN, IMPLEMENT, MONITOR and EVALUATE!
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Title I, Part A Program Specialist Contact Information AreaNameOffice Telephone 1Robyn Planchard(404) 2Sherri 3Anthony Threat(706) 4Evelyn Maddox(404) 5Judy Alger(229) 6Grace McElveen(912) 7JaBra Hardin Fuller (229)
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Title I, Part A Program Specialist Contact Information AreaNameOffice Telephone 8Marijo Pitts- Sheffield (912) 9Kathy Pruett(706) 10Elaine Dawsey(478) 11Olufunke Osunkoya (678) 12Bobby Trawick(229) 13Ken Banter(478) 14Tammy Wilkes(478)
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Title II, Part A Program Specialist Contact Information Specialist Area Carly Charters, Middle GA RESA, Oconee RESA, State Schools, DJJ, DOC Saralyn Chattahoochee-Flint RESA, Southwest GA RESA, Meriwether, Troup, Harris Sharon RESA, Griffin RESA Pam Northeast GA RESA, Pioneer RESA, Wilkes, Lincoln, Taliaferro, Warren Greg Northwest GA RESA, North GA RESA, Coweta, Heard, Carroll, Carrollton City Terri Coastal Plains RESA, Heart of Georgia RESA, Okefenokee RESA Elizabeth First District RESA, Calhoun, Dougherty, Emanuel, Jenkins, Jefferson, Burke, Richmond, Glascock, McDuffie, Columbia
Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent “Educating Georgia’s Future” Using Federal Funds to Reduce Class Size Georgia Department of Education Georgia Compensatory Educational Leaders Conference Savannah, Georgia February 22-24, 2016