5 of Anything Part 1- Take turns at your table telling the other team members each person’s 5 favorite movies. Part 2- As a group select one of the movies mentioned that best portrays how the group feels about “Results Driven Accountability”. Be ready to share the movie selected with the large group.
Results Driven Accountability: Improving Outcomes Alison Lowenthal Secondary Special Education Coordinator Sponsored by: Idaho State Department of Education
Keys to Success
Objectives To provide participants with information on: Results Driven Accountability (RDA); College and Career Readiness; and Evidence Based Predictors.
Purpose of IDEA “To ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, training, employment, and independent living”. “Subpart A of the Part B Regulations Title 34: Education PART 300.1”
A Problem ??? Improving educational results and functional outcomes for students and their families should be the main focus of the accountability system. However, the continued over emphasis on regulatory procedural compliance without consideration of results has created an unbalanced process for states to implement.
Why Emphasis on Results Now? Source: RRCP Improvement in Compliance vs. Results
U.S. Department of Education In 2012, the U.S. Department of Education recognized that the educational outcomes of youth with disabilities have not improved even with intensive oversight and significant funding provided to address closing achievement gaps through programs such as No Child Left Behind and IDEA.
March 2, 2012 The U.S. Secretary of Education announced historic changes in federal policy: To help close the achievement gap for students with disabilities, To move away from a one-size-fits-all, compliance- focused approach, and To create a system that looks at how well students are being educated in addition to efforts to protect their rights.
Results Driven Accountability “We have to expect the very best from our students—and tell the truth about student performance—so that we can give all students the supports and services they need. The best way to do that is by focusing on results.” Secretary Arne Duncan RDA Press Release, March 2, 2012 Focus on results! Performance of Students with Disabilities
New Model Moving away from one model emphasizing compliance to also focusing on….. Improving the Educational Results and Functional Outcomes for Children and Youth with Disabilities.
Core Principles Take 10 minutes to read over the Results Driven Accountability Core Principles and then discuss with your table the role that you you play in Idaho’s “Results Driven Accountability” and in a district improvement plan.
IDEA Part B Indicators (2014) Indicator B 1 (ESEA) Indicator B 2 (ESEA) Indicator B 3 Indicator B 5 Indicator B 6 Indicator B 7 Indicator B 8 Indicator B 14 Indicator 17: State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) Indicator B 4 (0%) Indicator B 9 (0%) Indicator B 10 (0%) Indicator B 11 (100%) Indicator B 12 (100%) Indicator B 13 (100%) Indicator B 15 (DR) Indicator B 16 (DR)
State Systemic Improvement Plan The proposed SPP/APR includes a –comprehensive, –multi-year State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), –focused on improving results –for children with disabilities.
Idaho SSIP –What Should we Focus on? –Indicator 1: Graduating with a regular diploma –Indicator 2: Dropping out of High School –Indicator 3A-C: Performance and Participation of SWD’s on statewide assessment –Indicator 5: Percent of SWD’s served in regular class 80% or more of the day (LRE) –Indicator 6: Preschool LRE in settings with typical peers –Indicator 7: Preschool outcomes –Indicator 8 Parent Involvement –Indicator 14: Enrolled in higher education/training program or competitively employed one year after high school
Post-School Outcomes CategoryNumberPercent Measure 1: Enrolled in higher education7922.7% Measure 2: Engaged in competitive employment (but not in Measure 1) % Measure 3: Enrolled in postsecondary education or training (but not in measure 1 or 2) % Measure 4: Engaged in some other type of employment (but not in measure 1, 2, or 3) 308.6% Not in any of the above categories9727.9% Total348100%
Idaho’s SSIP (State’s Systemic Improvement Plan) Secondary Emphasis: And don’t forget… Indicator 13 (you still have to write a compliant secondary IEP).
Why Indicator 13 (Secondary IEP) A High Quality Secondary Transition Plan is a predicator of post-school success. We still need to improve Idaho’s rate of compliance in Indicator 13. You can help your district to earn letters of appreciation from the SDE presented to your principal, special education director, superintendent, and school board.
New Standards The “Workplace Competencies” are now the “Employability Skills for Career Ready Practice.
Root Cause Analysis Step 1: Define the problem Take 5 minutes to talk with people at your table about trouble students in your school are having either with graduation, dropping out, going to college, getting a job or attending other training after they leave school.
Root Cause Analysis Step 2: Collect Data Take 5 minutes to talk with people at your table about what proof do you have of your problem, how long has the problem been going on, and what is the impact of the problem.
Root Cause Analysis Step 3: Identify possible causal factors Take 5 minutes to talk with people at your table about what events lead to the problem and what conditions allow the problem to occur.
Root Cause Analysis Step 4: Identify the root causes Take 5 minutes to talk with people at your table about what you think the real reason is for the problem.
Root Cause Analysis Step 5: Recommend and implement solutions But…what types of solutions should be implemented?
Evidence Based Predicators Predictors/OutcomesEducationEmploymentIndependent Living Career AwarenessXX Occupational CoursesXX Paid Work Experiences XXX Vocational EducationXX
Evidence Based Predicators Predictors/OutcomesEducationEmploymentIndependent Living Work StudyX Community Experiences X Exit Exam/Graduation Requirements X Inclusion in General Education XXX
Evidence Based Predicators Predictors/OutcomesEducationEmploymentIndependent Living Program of StudyX Self Advocacy/Determination XX Social SkillsXX Interagency Collaboration XX Parent ExpectationsXX
Evidence Based Predicators Predictors/OutcomesEducationEmploymentIndependent Living Parent InvolvementX Student SupportXXX Transition ProgramXX
Group Activity Degree of Implementation Select one “Predictor” and discuss the degree to which it is being implemented. Degree of Evidence What is your evidence of implementation Now discuss how you can either implement the predictor at a greater level or how to improve on the degree of evidence.
Purpose of IDEA revisited: ….prepare them for further education, training, employment, and independent living
What Employers Want S =SkillCV=Core Value
Core Values 1.Positive 2.Reliable 3.Professional 4.Initiative 5.Respect 6.Integrity 7.Gratitude Eric Chester (www.
What is Missing?
Resources and Tools
Any Questions
Contact Information: Alison Lowenthal