D-7750 Grow Rotary Action Team DGN Ed Irick, GRAT Chairman 1
GRAT Vision 2 Gather a team of domain experts (Past Presidents) Build a process for engagement, assessment, troubleshooting, training and accountability Learn to apply the process consistently in Rotary clubs Help (only) clubs who want help
The Mission Help clubs solve membership problems They can’t on their own because: Don’t know what’s wrong Don’t know where to start Don’t have a strategy or process that works Don’t have a sustained effort (spotty activity yields spotty results) – the process “breaks” 3
What The GRAT Can Do For You 1.“Contract” with leadership – Agreement that something is wrong and that they’ll work to fix it 2.Assessment – What are the symptoms? 3.Troubleshooting – Root Cause Analysis – what are the actual causes of the symptoms? 4
What The GRAT Can Do For You 4.The Fix – Intentional strategies to fix the causes and deliver the desired results 5.Training – Teach HOW to execute 6.Maintenance – Provide accountability for sustained, consistent effort to keep it fixed 5
Planning Club visit by GRAT member with Assistant Governor Club President debrief/interview following club meeting Recruit a Guiding Coalition Meeting Engage club board Create 2-3 Intentional Strategies Launch Membership Growth Plan with Club and gain agreement on execution 6 The Process
Metrics We measure success by: Rate of membership growth Progress towards clubs membership goal Tracking new members for a six month period 7
What The GRAT Will NOT Do Will not recruit members for you Will not do all the work in preparing your membership growth plan Will not accuse, only encourage Will not interfere once the membership plan has been executed 8
What We Have Learned "Customer Experience" -- Assessments need to include a hard look at what the club has to "sell". Do they do enough to inspire and attract people to join? Dysfunctional Leadership -- How to assess leadership team functionality and, in some cases, start by teaching the leadership team to work together, THEN tackling a membership strategy. Intentional Strategies -- essential to success, particularly when you're changing a culture 9
What We Have Learned GRAT is not a short-term process It is important to get buy-in from board initially. A strong coalition is essential to the process. Contract is good for communication and follow-up between club and GRAT The club must take ownership of the process Recruiting is not the only problem in a club with declining membership. Retention is critical. 10
Observations To Date We are beginning to see indicators that point to progress being made GRAT accepted by the club leadership Members engaged and following through Internal and external club communications improved Recruiting showing positive trends Number of GRAT engaged Clubs 11
Grow Rotary Action Team Assistance Request Ed Irick
Questions? Ed Irick 7750 District Governor, Grow Rotary Action Team