Formative Assessment Institute Barb Rowenhorst Jennifer Nehl Jackie Jessop Rising Pam Lange.


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Presentation transcript:

Formative Assessment Institute Barb Rowenhorst Jennifer Nehl Jackie Jessop Rising Pam Lange

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Outcomes To develop an understanding of how and when to utilize performance assessments. To extend our knowledge of technology integration with assessment practices. Critique, develop, and/or modify your district’s professional development plan as it pertains to formative assessment.

Agenda March 30 (8:00 – 3:30) –Research of Performance Assessments –Checklists, scoring guides, rubrics –Formative Assessment Technology March 31 (8:00 – 2:00) –Sharing of FAI products –Professional Development Planning –District Planning –Celebration

Research Scavenger Hunt Jennifer Nehl

Articles/Research Performance Assessment By Samuel J. Meisels, Ed.D. Implementing Performance Assessment in the Classroom By Amy Brualdi, Performance Assessment By David Sweet

Paraphrase Passport 1.Team members form pairs. 2.Instructor poses question or problems. 3.Team members individually read and process. 4.The first team member (partner) begins speaking while the second partner listens without commenting.

Paraphrase Passport 5.The first team member (partner) stops talking. 6.The second team member (partner) paraphrases what the first team member (partner) says while the first team member (partner) listens silently. 7.The partner confirms the accuracy of the paraphrasing. 8.The roles reverse.

Paraphrase Passport Guiding Questions from Instructor 1.Address the research regarding Performance Assessment. 2.Discuss the benefits of Performance Assessment. 3.Discuss the student involvement component of Performance Assessment. 4.Review the application component of Performance Assessment in the classroom.

Paraphrase Passport Highlight information which addresses guiding questions as you read. Put a Question Mark (?) by information that you need clarification on or don’t agree with. Put an exclamation mark (!) by information that provides any AH HA! moments. Put an equal (=) sign by information that you agree with. While a team member is speaking, others are taking notes on a T-Chart.

Scavenger Hunt On a scale of 1 -5: How familiar are you with your resources in the Classroom Assessment for Student Learning book? How familiar are you with your resources on the Classroom Assessment for Student Learning CD? Find an elbow partner with a person from another table. Complete the Scavenger Hunt worksheet provided.

Scavenger Hunt Put a Question Mark (?) by information that you need clarification on or don’t agree with. Put an exclamation mark (!) by information that provides any AH HA! moments. Put and equal (=) sign by information that you agree with.

Performance Assessments Tasks & Criteria Barb Rowenhorst

Performance Assessments Which of the following is best described as a performance assessment? 1.Matt writes his recipe for making an apple pie. 2.Sally builds a birdhouse. 3.Steven takes his written driver's permit test. 4.Cleo takes the multiple-choice SAT to get into college.

Performance Assessments In what way is performance assessment different or unique when compared to essay assessment? 1.Performance assessment requires scoring rubrics. 2.Performance assessment is more objective. 3.Performance assessment is fairer than essay assessment. 4.One must determine the type of performance product to be assessed.

Performance Assessments Steven gets a good grade on his multiple-choice test on the solar system. Yet when he is asked to create a science fair project regarding the solar system he fails miserably. What has probably occurred? 1.Performance assessment has shown that Steven has not mastered the material at higher levels in understanding. 2.The performance assessment was biased. 3.The science fair assignment was confusing. 4.Steven has demonstrated that he is not good at making things in general.

Performance Assessment Stiggins refers to performance tasks and performance criteria. What are these? How are they different? How do they relate to performance assessments? What are some examples of each?

2-4-8 Reflection Pair (someone not in your district) Define (in your own words) –Tasks –Criteria Give 2 examples (preferably not from the book) Pages 192 – 194

2-4-8 Reflection Combine partners to make a group of 4 –Share each partner’s definitions –Come to “group” consensus on a definition for each term Combine the group of 4 to make a group of 8 –Share each team’s definitions –Come to “group” consensus on a definition for each term –Put your definitions on chart paper and post Task DefinitionExamples Criteria DefinitionExamples

C Revised curriculum, instruction and assessment aligned to standards Data drives your decisions Curriculum data aligned to standards Assessment data aligned to standards Curriculum mappingAnalysis of results Written curriculum Taught curriculum State and National Local Performance Pathways An Integrated Data Solution for Student Achievement Performance Assessment Learning Target TasksCriteria Rubrics Checklists Exercises Scoring Guides Activities 5 Dimensions Content Clarity Feasibility Fairness & Accuracy Sampling 4 Dimensions Content Clarity Practicality Technical Quality & Fairness

Performance Criteria Making clear decisions about your criteria before you begin will help make the scoring process quick, fair, and accurate. Do your students feel like Sally?

Performance Criteria Three Kinds For Teacher and Student Use Checklist Scoring Guide Rubric

What Are Checklists?

Checklists: Example Oral Presentations What makes a good oral presentation?

Checklists When might you use a checklist?

Checklists Develop checklists on-line Writing, science, oral presentations, multi-media

What is a Scoring Guide?

Scoring Guide Defined A scoring guide is nothing more than assigning points to items Designed to rate papers on separate criteria Doesn’t talk about the quality of the items

Scoring Guide: Example Oral Presentations What makes a good oral presentation? Assign points to the list of expectations.

Scoring Guide When might you use a scoring guide?

What is a Rubric?

Rubric Defined Clear characteristics for each level of performance to be assessed. Students know what is expected, how well they have done, and what they need to accomplish in the future.

Rubrics Sadler (1989) identified that, in order for improvement to take place, the child must first know the purpose of the task, then how far this was achieved [criteria], and finally be given help in knowing how to move closer towards the desired goal or ‘in closing the gap’. -Clarke, 1998, p. 68 as quoted in Seven Strategies for Student Learning, Chappuis

Rubrics: Example Oral Presentations What makes a good oral presentation? Watch the videos and score the “Delivery” part of the rubric.

Rubrics: Oral Presentations Insert video clips

Rubrics 1234 What rating did you give speech #1?

Rubrics 1234 What rating did you give speech #1? What rating did you give speech #2?

Rubrics: Pros & Cons What are some advantages and disadvantages of using checklists/scoring guides/rubrics?

Let’s Practice Determine your task Develop your criteria for your task Create a rubric from your criteria

Performance Assessments Recognize that children can express what they know and can do in many different ways. Evaluate progress as well as performance. Involve children in the process of assessing their own growth. Contribute to meaningful curriculum planning and the design of appropriate interventions. Give parents specific, direct, and understandable information about their child.

Technology Integration Jackie Jessop Rising

Using Technology with Performance Assessments –Checklist –Scoring Guide –Rubric


What is it? A free video site Upload your photos Choose your music Let animoto do the work

Completely automatic Easy to use 30-second shorts are for free Paid version offers longer videos inexpensive

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Title and Create


How do I use it in my classroom?

Your Turn

How can these be assessed? Checklist Scoring Guide Rubric

What is Voki?

Create your own. go to select REGISTER

Select CREATE.

How do I use it in my classroom? How do I use it in my classroom? Descriptive Feedback Student and Teacher

Pros & Cons free accents can be changed easily embeddable fun for all adds variety limited to 60 seconds of the speed of the speech cannot be customized. must spell phonetically

Your Turn

How can this be assessed? Checklist Scoring Guide Rubric

Discussion for Tomorrow

Send a text to In message body, include keyword Then your answer Cell Phone Users or Use the Web

Day Two

Sharing Information Barb/Jackie

Sharing: Expectations Share something you have done with formative assessment during the last 2 years. Product Process Assessment Analysis

Sharing: Discussion Structure Protocol “Save the Last Word for Me” Formative Assessment Discussion Guide –You will be given extra time to fill this portion out. Discuss time limits – important Facilitator and Timekeeper

Sharing: First Round First Round Grouping 4 to a group Different schools per group Three minutes to group

Sharing: Discussion Guide

25 minutes

Sharing: Reflection Sharing Discussion Guide (bottom) Individually, take five minutes and reflect on the information you have learned. Ideas: –What might you like to report back to your team? –Suggestions for your district –Ideas that you might use in your position 10 minutes to reflect

Sharing: Second Round Second Round Grouping 4 to a group Different schools per group Three minutes to group

25 minutes

Sharing: Reflection Sharing Discussion Guide (bottom) Individually, take five minutes and reflect on the information you have learned. Ideas: –What might you like to report back to your team? –Suggestions for your district –Ideas that you might use in your position 10 minutes to reflect

Formative Assessment Reflective Questions Jen

1. Choose a question which: addresses any concerns you may have, OR you feel you may have some expertise in providing guidance. 2.You will have 10 minutes with your questions. At the end of 10 minutes, we will signal the time has expired. 3.If you would like to change tables you may, or you may choose to stay at your current table. 4.We will repeat the process six times. Please share your expertise, concerns and questions!! Reflective Questions

Professional Development Pam

Professional Development Set the vision for year-long professional development – based on data –Handout at August In-service –Year-long professional development plan –Professional development content –Expectations of implementation

Professional Development All districts are in different places A Professional Development Journey Handout –Color One: Currently evident –Color Two: Weak area or not evident You will have 20 minutes to begin your discussion

Individually, complete Professional Development Capacity Survey As a group, score your survey (Refer to example on how to score survey) Determine perceived strengths and weaknesses 20 minutes to complete this activity Professional Development

Select weak area or area of focus Brainstorm why this area might be weak or needs to be a focus (true brainstorm) –2 minutes Cross off what you can’t control Professional Development

How can you have input into professional development calendar? How many professional development days are scheduled in your district? Consider PD Planning Guide for Professional Development. What additional resources might your district need? Professional Development

FAI Training Second Round Cohort On-site at District: TIE –First Come First Serve Basis

Plan Time

Seven Strategies for Assessment FOR Learning Where am I going? 1.Provide a clear and understandable vision of the learning target. 2.Use examples and models of strong and weak work. Where am I now? 3. Offer regular descriptive feedback. 4. Teach students to self-assess and set goals. How can I close the gap? 5. Design lessons to focus on one aspect of quality at a time. 6. Teach students focused revision. 7. Engage students in self-reflection and let them keep track of and share their learning.

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