Bilingual Coordinators Network March 2015
DOJ and ED Guidance, 1/7/15 Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE Haiku: English Learner Tab - Federal Guidance
DOJ and ED Guidance, 1/7/15 Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE ● EC 300, 305, 306, 310, 311 ● CDE EL FAQs: ● CalEDFacts: ● CA ELD Standards: ● ELA/ELD Framework: ted.asp ted.asp ● OCR will attend May 2015 BCN meeting for details. Haiku: BCN Tab - BCN_Mar2015_State Guidance Regarding ELs BCN_Mar2015_EC300s
DOJ and ED Guidance, 1/7/15 Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE ● “Opt Out” : LEA still has obligation to take action for students to overcome language barrier (waiver is not required but CDE recommends some form of documentation of parent request). o Can “opt out” of program/placement. o Cannot “opt out” of services for language development. Haiku: BCN tab - BCN_Mar2015_State Guidance Regarding ELs
State Legislative Update Sue Vang, Legislative Representative, CDE ● SB409 (de Leon): Reintroduction of Padilla’s bill (SB1108); Department never funded to complete the study/report; Also proposes review of EL achievement per LCAP. ● AB491 (Gonzalez): Also related to SB1108 (no details). ● SB750 (Mendoza): Clean up of LTEL definitions and alternative to CST for State Seal of Biliteracy. ● SB247 (Lara): LEAs, CCs, CSUs, UCs “Dream Centers” (Educational Support for undocumented students). ● SB 172 (Liu): CAHSEE suspension for 3 years; SSPI convenes advisory panel to make recommendations. Haiku: BCN_Mar2015_State Legislative Update
LPLO Update Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE ● State Seal of Biliteracy ● ELA/ELD Framework ● Title III Plan Annual Update o June 30, 2015 LEAs must have an updated LEA plan (Goal 2) that includes an annual budget plan. o Must show allocation of full grant amount. ● CARS Data Collection Haiku: BCN tab - BCN_Mar2015_LPLO Update
LPLO Update Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE ● AB 899 Haiku: BCN tab - BCN_Mar2015_LPLO Update
Californians Together Shelley Spiegel-Coleman, Executive Director ● Comparison of Prop 227 and Lara SB 1174 o Available in English and Spanish. ● SB 750 (Mendoza) o Clarify LTEL and AR-LTEL definitions. o Requirement to post on CDE website. ● State Seal of Biliteracy Haiku: BCN_Mar2015_Prop227 and Lara; BCN_Mar2015_SB750 Mendoza; BCN_Mar2015_Seal of Biliteracy
● LCAP Rubric o Shared draft at BCN in o Presented at CABE. o Suggested LEA self evaluation. o Haiku: BCN_Mar2015_CalTog_Final LCAP Rubric Californians Together Shelley Spiegel-Coleman, Executive Director
Resources Laurie Olsen ● NEA Resource: Meeting the Unique Needs of LTELs o Based on Reparable Harm. o Contains “Characteristics of Effective Educators.” o Available on NEA Site: LongTermEngLangLearner_final_web_ pdf LongTermEngLangLearner_final_web_ pdf Haiku: BCN_Mar2015_Meeting Unique Needs Of LTELs
Resources Laurie Olsen ● CABE Resource: Bilingualism and Education in CA and the US
Language and Literacy Tool Haiku: BCN_Mar2015_StanislausCOE_Language and Literacy Tool
Language and Literacy Tool Haiku: BCN_Mar2015_StanislausCOE_Language and Literacy Tool
Language and Literacy Tool
Dual Language School Search
Digital Chalkboard
Digital Chalkboard Grade Level Folders: ●ELA/ELD framework snapshots and vignettes. Professional Learning Modules Plans for Integrated and Designated ELD Join
Migrant Education Program Celina Torres, Migrant Program Administrator HAIKU: BCN Tab (File: BCN_Mar2015_MigrantEdOffice)
Migrant Education Program Celina Torres, Migrant Program Administrator HAIKU: BCN Tab (File: BCN_Mar2015_MigrantEdOffice)
English Language Development: Taking Theory into Practice and Application ●Move beyond “logistics” and into the “purpose.” ● Designated ELD: o Evaluate snapshots based on “Essential Elements of Designated ELD” (Ch. 2, Figure 2.23, p. 95). CA ELA/ELD Framework, Chapter 2:
ELA/ELD Framework Designated ELD: ● Read a snapshot. ● Evaluate snapshots based on “Essential Elements of Designated ELD.” ● Be prepared to share! CA ELA/ELD Framework, Chapter 2:
ELA/ELD Framework This snapshot exemplified essential feature _______ by ________________. CA ELA/ELD Framework, Chapter 2:
Common Concerns ● What about existing ELD materials? What do we keep? What do we eliminate? ● How will ELD be included in district created CCSS curriculum (Units of Study)? ● How do we help content teachers understand their role (and obligation) to support disciplinary literacy and language development? ● How do we create a system that supports the collaboration necessary to develop effective lessons and instruction (cross-content; integrated/designated ELD)? ● How do we ensure schedule and placement flexibility for ELs as they progress?
BEST Awards Reminder ● Keynote Speaker: Congressman Raul Ruiz, M.D. ● Bring a gift basket to Project/EL Directors meeting on April 24, 2015 to support student scholarships!