Christian Robert Senior Database Consultant – EvoluSys SA Découvrez le futur de SQL Server Denali & Azure !
About me Christian Robert - Have worked with SQL Server since 7.0 SQL Server MVP since 2007 Microsoft Certified Master on SQL Server 2008 Specialized on SQL Server Relational Engine, around Performance Tuning, Security, TSQL Source Management and Powerpivot. 13 years in the database industry. Worked on Large deployment of SQL Server. Projects for : CICR,, … My blog : Swiss SQL Server User Group :
Swiss company founded in 2006 Consulting Performance review Security audit of the database server Architecture choice DataWarehouse conception Reporting & Dashboard needs Highly skilled and certified trainers More info on : EvoluSys… the data experts
Training more info on : 6 to 10 June Genève Fr SQL Server 2008 & R2 Administration - 5 days 16 to 20 May Genève Fr SQL Server 2008 & R2 Development - 5 days September Genève Fr SQL Server « Denali » New Features - 5 days TBD - Genève or Lausanne SQL Server 2008 R2 Powerpivot TBD - Genève or Lausanne SQL Server Business Intelligence Special price for Techdays attendees Promo code : TRAINTDGVA
Caveats Dates and capabilities are subject to change. Any screen captures or concepts are prototypes only. Packaging of new capabilities is yet to be determined. This deck is not a complete view of all investments. Disclaimer: This presentation contains preliminary information that may be changed substantially prior to final commercial release of the software described herein. The information contained in this presentation represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of the presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of the presentation. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this presentation. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this information does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. © 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft SQL Server Evolution
High Availability EDIM AlwaysOn SSIS Server Security & Manageability User-Defined Server Roles Web & Breadth PHP Driver (PDO) Scalability and Performance > 1000 Partitions / table Business Intelligence Unified Semantic Model SQL Server “Denali” – A Solid Release Data Lineage Database Replay Semantic Platform Crescent Application Centric Failover Data Quality CDB Authentication ContainedDB (CDB) Fast FileStream UTF-16 Fast Full Text Enhanced MDS In-memory BI for corporate SQL Server Development Studio Reliable & Integrated Failover Detection Multiple Readable Secondaries Paging for result sets Column store Full Globe Spatial Support DAC Enhancements Backup Secondaries SSMS Enhancements FileTable Default Schema for Windows Group PowerPivot Enhancements Denali won’t support the Itanium Platform : Attention
Already in 2008 & R2 Unicode Compression (2008 R2) Use the UCS compression standard Up to 50% of space saved Remote Blob Storage (2008 R2) Allow you to put your BLOB data on a file share Fully integrated with Sharepoint Partitions support (2008 SP2) To be done in 2008 R2 also… 10GB / database support in Express (2008 R2) Instead of the classic maximum of 4GB / database Backup Compression in Standard edition and above (2008 R2)
SQL Azure
SQL Server Relational Engine available everywhere with an Internet Connection High Availability built-in Nothing to worry about the hardware / server level Firewall integrated in the solution Interesting invoice plan You pay for the max size you’d expect to use You pay the bandwidth usage in / out Most of the features of SQL Server are in the cloud But not all :o( SQL Server on the Cloud
Reporting Services Most logical choice for Microsoft as Reporting Services is already a Web Service Others services ? Under investigation, no more info… Business Intelligence (BI) on the cloud Azure Reporting open to Beta tester : Attention
Scale on demand on different databases Dynamically allocate new databases when needed Reduction of database number if necessary Increase size and performance on demand on a cloud environment ! Azure Federation Interesting paper about data federation in Azure: Attention
Azure Sync Services Allow you to copy data between Azure Data Center Import / Export Alias DACPAC version 2, add the ability to deploy data along with the schema of the database Database Copy Spatial Datatypes support (geometry / geography) Web administration in Silverlight Others features…
System Center Advisor (alias Atlanta) Help reduce downtime Proactively avoid problems Help resolve issues faster Alerts for unpatched, misconfigured, unsupported configurations Ongoing assessment of server configuration, with weekly summary Assess and understand configurations from virtually anywhere SQL Server knowledge & Windows Server knowledge Comparison with best practices Access centralized data of a deployment’s configurations Access current and historical configuration data Share server configuration data with internal or Microsoft support staff Instant access to guidance and forums related to identified issues Already in Release Candidate, test it for free on: Attention
Mission Critical Platform
Database Mirroring is evolving… Add more than 1 replica of data Possibility to allow read on a replica Availability groups, to failover databases together Build over the foundation of Windows Failover Clustering without the need of a shared storage AlwaysOn - HADRON AA AA Direct Attached Storage local, regional and geo secondaries AA AA Shared Storage, regional and geo secondaries AA AA AA See session B106 by David Barbarin For more details
User Defined Server Role Database Engine Authentication through Contained Databases (CDB) New Role Management ALTER ROLE is modified to add or remove members from roles IS_ROLEMEMBER is added to check the membership of database roles The HASHBYTES function now supports the SHA2_256, and SHA2_512 algorithms Security Enhancements
Column store index : Project Apollo New kind of index Column based storage Data warehousing Read-mostly workloads Star joins Process large amounts of data Generous amount of memory Best performance when data fits in memory Graceful degradation as fact table paged from disk Under severe memory constraints, falls back to row- at-a-time processing More infos about project Apollo in Denali : Attention
How does Apollo speed up queries? Stores data column-wise Better compression Uses VertiPaq compression technology Less IO Fetches only needed columns from disk Less IO Better buffer hit rates How to updates Partition Switching … C1 C2 C3 C5C6C6 C4C4 C1 C2 C4 C5 C6 C3 SELECT region, sum (sales) …
Distributed Replay Utility for Evaluating application compatibility High concurrency captured trace… so a single replay client cannot sufficiently (SQL Profiler) eXtended Events New GUI in Management Studio All the SQLTRACE (SQL Profiler) features are built in XEvents SQL Server Distributed Replay / XEvents Distributed Replay Setup is currently separated, can be found : DVD:\1033_ENU_LP\x64\redist\DistributedReplay Attention
Beyond Relational
SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server Denali Rich unstructured Data & Services Full Text Indexing Remote BLOB Store API Filestream Integrated FTS Remote BLOB Store API over FileStream Filestream with RCSI FileTable (Win 32 I/O) Scale-up FileStream Scale-up Search Search functionality Semantic Platform Spatial Fully supported Geometry and Geography data types and Functions Reporting Services support FullGlobe 2D Extensions Pervasive Spatial Semistructured Data & Documents XML Data Type XQuery XML Schema XML Upgrades Large UDTs Sparse Columns Wide Table/ColumnSet Filtered Indices HierarchyID Reliable Messaging Service BrokerPriorityPoison-Message handling Multi-cast Enqueue time
Rich Unstructured Data Scale Up across all configurations Integrated Full Text Search and FileStream Performance & Scale Easy use/access to Unstructured data FileTable (Win32 File IO API for unstructured data in SQL) FileTable and Filestream Orthogonality (AlwaysOn support) Rich insight into unstructured data Full-Text Property Search, Customizable Near Semantic Platform: Concept Extraction and Similarity Search Best platform for Spatial-aware applications Spatial 2D type extensions and FullGlobe Reliable Messaging Adoption Blockers Service Broker enqueue times, Multicast Beyond Relational Improvements
FileTable On SQL Server side It’s a table that reflect the content of a folder (1 row for each file) Build over Filestream Technology On Windows side It’s a folder with files in it (and also folders) Compatible with most of the Win32 apps Files & Directories exposed through a Windows Share High level of Win32 application compatibility Integrated Storage, Administration and Services
Improvement Scope: Semantic Extraction Input: Text such as varchar, Office, PDF, HTML, … Output: Rowset functions with standard SQL queries Illustrating example: KeyTitleDocument D1Annual Budget… D2Corporate Earnings … D3Marketing Reports… ……… Source Table IDKeywordColid…compDocidCompOcCompPid K1revenue1…10,23,123(1,4),(5,8),(1,34)2,5,6,8,4,3 K2growth1…10,23,123(1,5),(5,9),(1,34)2,5,6,8,5,4 ……………… Keyword Index (Full-Text) KeyphrasesKeyphraseDocuments IDDocID T1 (revenue growth)D1 (Annual Budget) T1 (revenue growth)D2 (Corporate Earnings) T2 (Windows Azure)D3 (Marketing Reports) …… T1 (revenue growth)D7 (Finance Report) …… T2 (Windows Azure)D11 (Azure Strategy) …… IDKeyword T1revenue T1growth T2Windows T2Azure …… DocumentSimilarity DocIDMatchedDocID D1 (Annual Budget)D2 (Corporate Earnings) D1 (Annual Budget)D7 (Finance Report) D3 (Marketing Reports)D11 (Azure Strategy) …… Full-Text and Semantic Processing quarter, record, revenue… 2b 3 2a 1
Semantic Functional Surface: Query Syntax SEMANTICKEYPHRASETABLE Find top x tags ranked by their relevance Find top x documents with a specific tag ranked by tag relevance What are the TOP x keyword that describe the best this object ? SEMANTICSIMILARITYTABLE Find top x similar documents Find top x reasons for two documents being similar Is there any objects that similar to this one ? Calculate an internal score element to help rank the previous cases
New Spatial Type Features Circular arcs segments CircularStrings, CompoundCurves, CurvePolygons All methods support circular arcs Circular arc support on a ellipsoid Red – CircularString with 4 points Yellow – LineString with the same 4 points Bigger than a hemisphere objects for geography FULLGLOBE spatial type is available “small” holes can be created Increased precision from 27 to 48 bits for spatial computations Interesting white paper about spatial enhancements in Denali: Attention
Pervasive Insight
AdHoc reporting, fully built with SilverLight Integrated in Sharepoint 2010, part of the Reporting Services Experience “Every actions should be completed with 2 or 3 clicks max” Reporting Services : Project « Crescent » See session B105 by Francis Incourt For more details
Integration Services New Projects and Packages Make comparison easier and packages smaller Package Parameters Catalog Overview Alias SSIS Server (no longer in MSDB) Usability Enhancements New Data Flow Designer Source and Destination Assistants
Knowledge Management Creating and maintaining a DQJB, including supporting "knowledge discovery" Data Quality Projects Correcting, standardizing and matching source data according to domain values, rules and reference data associated with a designated data quality knowledge base. Administration Monitoring the current and past DQ processes and defining the various parameters governing the overall DQ activities in your server. New SSIS correction component Correcting the input data according to domain values, rules, and reference data associated with a designated data quality knowledge base. Data Quality Services Book Online reference about DQS : Attention
Developers’ Focus
Alias Project codename « Juneau » Following the previous database developement effort from Microsoft (Datadude, VS Database editions) Development environment for SQL Server, SQL Azure and Business Intelligence Connected and offline database development Edition-aware development environment Integrated development with Debugging capacities Tight integration of language services & engine (Intellisense) New table designer SQL Server Development Studio (SSDT)
What is new in Transact-SQL? Simplified Paging Construct Support for UTF-16 New _SC collations Improved Error Handling New THROW keyword Sequence Generators Improvements to the EXECUTE statement Robust Discovery of Result Set Metadata Replacing SET FMTONLY
Response to database consolidation by Instance Collation Issues with tempdb Security concerns Servers’ objects Denali will support a partial isolation of any database An application can authenticate to a datbase’s user directly The database can embed some server objects and configuration Contained Database (CDB)
New database option – CONTAINMENT Only option supported in Denali is PARTIAL meaning, non-enforaced containment Partially contained databases solve problems related to: Logins: Database Users with passwords or mapped directly to Windows principles System Collation: Temp tables use the database’s collation sys.dm_db_uncontained_entities will display all potential containment breaches Contained Database (CDB)
Download SQL Server Denali CTP 1 Register for (SQL) Azure without a credit card Free 30 days pass : Promo code : WA30CH Don’t forget the Software Assurance Benefits Right of upgrade to Denali, with no extra cost System Center Advisor Early Adopter Program (TAP) Any needs around Adhoc Reporting, Data Quality, MDS, SQL on the Cloud ? … and motivated to test a Beta and give feedback ! me : Call to action…
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.